chapter 12 - learning , memory and intelligence Flashcards
What happens when you have a life without memory ?
Life without memory means no sense of existing across
• Your memory is almost synonymous with your sense of
for example, if you lost your ability to to form long-lasting memories. You remember what just happened but nothing earlier. It’s as if you awakened from a long sleep only a second
ago. So you write on a sheet of paper, “Just now, for the first time, I have suddenly become conscious!” A little later, you
forget this experience, too. As far as you can tell, you have just now emerged into consciousness after a long sleeplike period.
You look at this sheet of paper on which you wrote about becoming conscious, but you don’t remember writing it. How odd! You must have written it when in fact you were not con-
scious! Irritated, you cross off that statement and write anew,
“NOW I am for the first time conscious!” And a minute later,
you cross that one off and write it again. Eventually, someone
finds this sheet of paper on which you have repeatedly written and crossed out statements about suddenly feeling conscious
for the first time.
classical conditioning
Pioneered by Ivan Pavlov – Pairing two stimuli changes the response to one of them § Conditioned stimulus Unconditioned stimulus Unconditioned response Conditioned response
stimulus (CS), which initially elicits no
response of note, and then presents the unconditioned stimulus (UCS), which automatically elicits the unconditioned
response (UCR). After some pairings of the CS and the UCS (perhaps just one or two, perhaps many), the individual begins making a new, learned response to the CS, called a conditioned response (CR).
In his original experiments, Pavlov
presented a dog with a sound (CS) followed by meat (UCS),which stimulated the dog to salivate (UCR). After many such pairings, the sound alone (CS) stimulated the dog to salivate(CR). In that case and many others, the CR resembles the UCR, but in some cases, it does not. For example, if a rat ex-
periences a CS paired with shock, the shock elicits screamingand jumping, but the CS elicits a freezing response.
instrumental conditioning
instrumental conditioning
– Also known as operant conditioning
– Individual’s response is followed by reinforcer or punishment
– Reinforcers
§ Events that increase the probability that the response will occur again
– Punishment
§ Events that decrease the probability that the response willoccur again
book: For example, when a rat enters one arm of amaze and finds Froot Loops cereal (a potent reinforcer for a rat), its probability of entering that arm again increases. If it
receives a shock instead, the probability decreases.
pic on slide 5
and 6
Pavlov Proposal to Explain Learning
able to map where the condition stimulus, unconditioned response and unconditioned stimulus are in the brain
Engram = A physical representation of what had been learned
– Example: a connection between two brain areas would be an example of an engram
– Hypothesis: a knife cut between the two brain areas
should abolish the newly learned response
§ Hypothesis disproven
Lashley reasoned that if learning depends on new or
strengthened connections between two brain areas, a knife cut
somewhere in the brain should interrupt that connection and
abolish the learned response.
Lashley experiement for the engram
what are his principles about the n.s
part of engram
Lashley’s experiments showed that learning and memory do not rely on a single cortical area
He trained rats on mazes and
a brightness discrimination task and then made deep cuts in varying locations in their cerebral cortices (Lashley, 1929, 1950)
(Figure 13.3). However, no knife cut significantly impaired the rats’ performances. Evidently, the types of learning that he studied did not depend on connections across the cortex.
learning and memory apparently did not rely on a single cortical area.
• Lashley’s principles about the nervous system
– Equipotentiality: all parts of the cortex contribute equally to
complex functioning behaviors (e.g., learning) – Mass action: the cortex works as a whole, and more cortex is better
pic slide 10
Lashley’s Faulty Assumptions
Eventually, researchers discovered that Lashley’s conclusions reflected two unnecessary assumptions:
-The cerebral cortex is the best or only place to search for an engram
• Studying one example of learning is equivalent to studying any other one
The Modern Search for the Engram
his research
Richard F. Thompson and colleagues
– Suggested that the classical conditioning engram is located in the cerebellum, not the cortex
• Lateral interpositus nucleus (LIP) identified as central for learning
– Responses increase as learning proceeds
• However, a change in a brain area does not necessarily mean that learning took place in that area
Richard F. Thompson and his colleagues used a simpler task than Lashley’s and sought the engram of memory not in the cerebral cortex but in the cerebellum.
Thompson and colleagues studied classical conditioning of eyelid responses in rabbits. They presented first a tone (CS) and then a puff of air (UCS) to the cornea of the rabbit’s eye. At first, a rabbit blinked at the airpuff but not at the tone. After repeated pairings, classical conditioning occurred and the rabbit blinked at the tone also. Investigators recorded the activity in various brain cells to determine which ones changed their responses during learning.
Thompson identified one nucleus of the cerebellum, the lateral interpositus nucleus (LIP), as essential for learning. At the start of training, those cells showed little response
to the tone, but as learning proceeded, their responses increased
If the investigators temporarily suppressed that nucleus of an untrained rabbit, by injecting a drug into it,
and then presented the CSs and UCSs, the rabbit showed no responses during the training. Then they waited for the LIP
to recover and continued training. At that point, the rabbit began to learn, but it learned at the same speed as animals that
had received no previous training. Evidently, while the LIP was suppressed, the training had no effect.
In the next experiments, investigators suppressed activity in the red nucleus, a midbrain motor area that receives input from the cerebellum. When the red nucleus was suppressed, the rabbits again showed no responses during training. However, as soon as the red nucleus had recovered from the cooling or drugs, the rabbits showed strong learned responses to the tone. In other words, suppressing the red nucleus temporarily prevented the response but did
not prevent learning.
Thomson conclusion about the research for engram
Thomson concluded from experiments in rabbits that learning occurred in the LIP
– Later research identified cells and neurotransmitters
responsible for changes in the LIP
• PET scans on young adults led to the discovery that the cerebellum is critical for classical conditioning
– But only if the delay between onset of CS and UCS is short
pic slide 14
According to PET scans on young
adults, when pairing a stimulus with an airpuff produces a conditioned eye blink, activity increases in the cerebellum, red nucleus, and several other areas .
People who have damage in the cerebellum have weaker conditioned eye blinks, and the blinks are less accurately timed relative to the onset of the airpuff
what are the Types of Memory
Hebb (1949) differentiated between two types of memory:
– Short-term memory: memory of events that have just occurred
– Long-term memory: memory of events from times further back
Differences Between Short- and Long-Term Memory (1 of 2)
Short-term memory has a limited capacity, but long-term memory does not
• Short-term memory fades quickly without rehearsal,
while long-term memories persist
• Long-term memories can be stimulated with a cue/ hint
– Short-term memories cannot
researchers propose that all information enter where ?
Researchers propose all information enters short term storage where it stayed until the brain had time to consolidates it into long-term memory
Later research weakened the distinction between short-
and long-term memory
what is weakened /
– Not all rehearsed short-term memories become long-term
– Time needed for consolidation varies
For example, most of the research demonstrating rapid loss of unrehearsed short-term memories dealt with meaningless materials, such as a series of letters or numbers. You hold onto many memories for hours or days without constant rehearsal such as where you plan to meet someone for lunch, where you parked your car, or when is your next dentist’s appointment.
what kind of memory forms quickly ?
and how does it form quickly?
Emotionally significant memories form quickly
– Locus Coeruleus increases release of norepinephrine
– Emotion causes release of epinephrine & cortisol to activate amygdala and hippocampus
—enhances consolidation of recent experiences
working memory
who proposed it ?
what is it ?
Working memory
– Proposed by Baddeley & Hitch as an alternative to shortterm memory
– Emphasis on temporary storage of information to actively
attend to it and work on it for a period of time
to emphasize that temporary storage
is not a station on the route to long-term memory but the way we store information while we are working with it.
working memory - common test for it ?
where does it store the info ?
Common test of working memory is the delayed response task
– Requires responding to something you heard or saw a short while ago
• Research points to the prefrontal cortex for the storage of this information
– Damage impairs performance
– Manner of impairment can be very precise
For example, imagine that a light shines
above one of several doors. The light goes off , you wait a few seconds, and now you have to go to the door where you saw
the light. The delay can be increased or decreased to test your limits. This task can be modified for use with nonhumans as
well as humans. During the delay, the learner has to store a representation of the stimulus, and much research points to the prefrontal cortex as the primary location for this storage
Amnesia is simply defines as memory loss
• Different kinds of brain damage result in different types
of amnesia
what are the Two common types related to amnesia:
• Two common types related to disorders:
– Korsakoff’s syndrome – Alzheimer’s disease
Korsakoff’s Syndrome
Brain damage caused by prolonged thiamine (vitamin
B1) deficiency
– Impedes brain’s ability to metabolize glucose
– Leads to a loss of or shrinkage of neurons in the brain
• Often due to chronic alcoholism
• Distinctive symptom: confabulation (taking guesses to fill in gaps in memory)
– Also apathy, confusion, and memory loss
Alzheimer’s Disease
Associated with a gradually progressive loss of memory,
often occurring in old age
– Affects 50 percent of people over 85 and 5 percent of
people 65–74
– Early onset seems to be influenced by genes
§ 99 percent of cases are late onset
– About half of all patients with late onset have no known
relative with the disease
• No drug is currently effective
check image on slide 23
Alzheimer’s Disease and Proteins
Alzheimer’s disease is associated with an accumulation
and clumping of the following brain proteins:
– Amyloid beta protein
§ Creates plaques from damaged axons and dendrites
§ Produces widespread atrophy of the cerebral cortex,
hippocampus and other areas – An abnormal form of the tau protein
§ Creates tangles § Part of the intracellular support system of neurons
check image 26 and 25
Infant Amnesia
Early childhood amnesia —not a disorder like the
previous two
• Universal experience—we don’t remember much from
our first few years of life
– Children do form memories—the question is why they
forget them
– Hypotheses:
§ Learning language and complex reasoning abilities don’t
develop until the child is older § Changes in the hippocampus and growth of new neuron
The Hippocampus and the Striatum
Different areas of the hippocampus are active during
memory formation and later recall • Damage results in amnesia —and much of what we have
learned about memory has been from patients with
localized brain damage
Memory Loss After Damage to the Hippocampus
Person called H.M. is a famous case study in psychology
– Hippocampus was removed to prevent epileptic seizures
• Afterwards, H.M. had great difficulty forming new long-
term memories
– Short-term/working memory remained intact
• Suggested that the hippocampus is vital for the
formation of new long-term memories
pic slide 30
Anterograde and Retrograde Amnesia
Two major types of amnesia
– Anterograde amnesia: loss of ability to form new memory
after the brain damage
– Retrograde amnesia: loss of memory of events prior to the
occurrence of the brain damage
• H.M. showed both types of amnesia after the surgery
Intact Working Memory
H.M.’s short-term or working memory remained intact
– Was able to remember a number after 15 minutes without distraction
– When distracted, memory was gone in seconds
Impaired Storage of Long-Term Memory
H.M.’s memory impairments
– Not being able to state the correct date or his current age
– Read the same magazine repeatedly without losing
– Could recall only a few fragments of events in the recent
past years after his surgery
– Did not recognize himself in a photo
§ But did recognize himself in a mirror
notes :
since it lies in different area of brain for recognizing himself in minor vs photo
In 1980, he moved to a nursing home.
Four years later, he could not say where he lived or who cared
for him. Although he watches the news on television every
night, he recalls only a few fragments of events since 1953. Over
the years, many new words have entered the English language, such as jacuzzi and granola. H. M. cannot define them and
treats them as nonsense (Corkin, 2002). For several years after
the operation, whenever he was asked his age and the date, he
answered “27” and “1953.” After a few years, he started guessing wildly, generally underestimating his age by 10 years or more
and missing the date by as many as 43 years
Semantic and Episodic Memory
• Semantic memory
– Memories of factual information
– H.M. was able to form a few weak semantic memories
• Episodic memory
– Memories of personal events
– H.M. could not describe any event since his surgery
– H.M. had severely impaired episodic memory
- he couldnt remember any past events that had happened before the surgery.
pic on slide 35
He can describe facts that he learned be-
fore his operation but very few personal experiences.
- Memory loss impacts a person’s ability to imagine the future
-People with amnesia are just as
impaired at imagining the future as they are at describing the past.
Better Implicit than Explicit Memory
H. M. and nearly all other patients with amnesia show better implicit than explicit memory.
• Explicit memory
– Deliberate recall of information that one recognizes as a memory
– Also known as declarative memory
It is tested by such questions as: “What was the last novel you read?” and “What did you eat for dinner last night?”
• Implicit memory
– The influence of experience on behavior even if one does
not recognize that influence
– Another patient, not H.M., was tested with three nurses:
one friendly, one neutral, one stern. He preferred the
friendly nurse and avoided the stern nurse, but couldn’t
state why.
In summary, H. M. and similar patients with amnesia
■ Normal short-term or working memory
■ Severe anterograde amnesia for declarative memory—that is, difficulty forming new declarative memories
■ In many cases, a severe loss of episodic memories
■ Better implicit than explicit memory
Intact Procedural Memory
Procedural memory
– Development of motor skills and habits
– Special kind of implicit memory
• Examples of amnesia patients with intact procedural memory:
– H.M. learned to read words written backward (as in a
– K.C. learned to use Dewey decimal system to sort books
and is employed part-time at a library
Normal Pattern of Amnesia Patients
• Patient H.M. showed this pattern (as do many other
amnesia patients):
– Normal working memory, unless distracted
– Severe anterograde amnesia for declarative memory
– Severe loss of episodic memories
– Better implicit than explicit memory
– Nearly intact procedural memory
Theories of the Function of the Hippocampus
Research on hippocampus function suggests:
– Critical for declarative memory functioning (especially episodic memory)
The Hippocampus and Declarative Memory
explain the research
They have impaired declarative memory,
the ability to state a memory in words, but intact procedural memory, the development of motor skills and habits.
Research with rats shows damage impairs abilities on
two types of tasks:
– Delayed matching-to-sample tasks
§ Subject sees an object and must later choose the object that
– Delayed nonmatching-to-sample tasks
§ Subject sees an object and must later choose the object that
is different from the sample
pic on slide 42
In both cases, the animal must remember which object was present on this occasion, thereby showing what we might call a declarative memory, perhaps an episodic memory. Hippocampal damage strongly impairs performance in most
The Hippocampus and Spatial Memory
A second hypothesis is that the hippocampus is especially important
for spatial memories.
Navigation depends on your surroundings and your
spatial memory
• Damage to the hippocampus also impairs abilities on
spatial tasks such as:
– Radial mazes: a subject must navigate a maze that has
eight or more arms with a reinforcer at the end
book :
A rat placed in the center can fi nd food by exploring each arm
once and only once. In a variation of the task, a rat might have
to learn that the arms with a rough fl oor never have food or
that the arms pointing toward the window never have food.
So a rat can make a mistake either by entering a never-correct
arm or by entering a correct arm twice.
Rats with damage to the hippocampus seldom enter
the never-correct arms, but they often enter a correct arm
twice. Th at is, they forget which arms they have already tried Rats show similar impairments after damage to the areas of thalamus and cortex that send information to the hippocampus
– Morris water maze task: a rat must swim through murky
water to find a rest platform just underneath the surface
booK :
A rat with hippocampal damage slowly learns
to find the platform if it always starts from the same place and the rest platform is always in the same place. However, if it
has to start from a different location or if the rest platform occasionally moves from one location to another, the rat is dis-
oriented. If a rat has already learned to find the platform before damage to the hippocampus, the damage leaves the rat exploring the water haphazardly, like a rat that had never been in the water maze before. It ignores landmarks, including a beacon of light pointing to the platform. Researchers observed that
the rat acts as if it not only forgot where the platform was but also forgot that there even was a platform
pic on slide 45 and 44
booK :
people perform spatial tasks, such as imagining the best route
between one friend’s house and another, fMRI results show
enhanced activity in the hippocampus (Kumaran & Maguire,
2005). All of these results suggest that the hippocampus is
particularly important for spatial memory.
Cells Responsible for Spatial Memory
May-Britt Moser, Edvard Moser, and John O’Keefe
shared the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
for their discovery of the cells responsible for spatial
– Place cells: hippocampal neurons tuned to particular
spatial locations, responding best when an animal is in a
particular place and looking in a particular direction
– Time cells: some place cells also function as time cells
that respond at a particular point in a sequence of time
• Place cells receive input from cells in the entorhinal
grid cells
Recorded cells in the entorhinal cortex became active at
locations separated from one another in a hexagonal grid.
The cells are called grid cells. At a given level within the
entorhinal cortex, different cells respond to different sets of
locations, but always in a hexagon.
• Any episodic memory refers to events that occurred in a
particular place, with a particular sequence of events
over time.
• A loss of place cells and time cells disrupts many types
of memory formation.
slide 48 image
The Striatum
Episodic memory, dependent on the hippocampus,
develops after a single experience.
– Many semantic memories also form after a single
• However, to learn habits or learning what will or will not
likely happen under a set of circumstances relies on part
of the basal ganglia
– The striatum is the caudate nucleus + putamen
will it rain ?
“Will it Rain?” Example
– Multiple strategies for guessing yes or no with different
probabilities of being correct – With more trials, you would likely get more accurate —
even if you couldn’t describe your “strategy”
– Gradual, probabilistic learning depends on the basal
image slide 51
Hippocampus vs. Striatum
Results suggest a division of labor between the striatum
and other brain areas that include the hippocampus and
cerebral cortex
• However, most tasks activate both systems
• Hippocampal learning at the beginning of a task, but
once the task becomes “habitual” or “automatic,” more
emphasis on striatum
Brain Areas for Two Types of Learning
check slide 53 for image
Other Brain Areas and Memory
Most of the brain contributes to memory
– Amygdala associated with fear learning
– Parietal lobe associated with piecing information together
– Damage to the anterior temporal complex results in loss of semantic memory
§ Semantic dementia
– Prefrontal cortex involved in learned behavior and
Storing Information in the Nervous System
Patterns of activity in the brain leave a path of physical
– Not every change is a specific memory
• Task of finding out how the brain stores memories is
– Scientific progress is not smooth and straight, but more
like exploring a maze with dead ends
Learning and the Hebbian Synapse
Hebbian synapse
– A synapse that increases in effectiveness because of
simultaneous activity in the presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons
– Such synapses may be critical for many kinds of
associative learning
Single-Cell Mechanisms of Invertebrate Behavior Change
Studies of how physiology relates to learning often focus
on invertebrates and try to generalize to vertebrates
• The aplysia is a slug-like invertebrate that is often
studied due to its large neurons
• This allows researchers to study basic processes such
– Habituation
– Sensitization
check slide 58 and 59 for image
Habituation in Aplysia
Decrease in response to a stimulus that is presented
repeatedly and accompanied by no change in other
– Depends upon a change in the synapse between the
sensory neurons and the motor neurons
– Sensory neurons fail to excite motor neurons as they did
check image slide 61
Sensitization in Aplysia
Increase in response to a mild stimulus as a result to
previous exposure to more intense stimuli
• Changes at identified synapses include:
– Serotonin released from a facilitating neuron blocks
potassium channels in the presynaptic neuron
– Prolonged release of transmitters from that neuron results in prolonged sensitization
Long-Term Potentiation in Vertebrates
Long-term potentiation (LTP) occurs when one or more
axons bombard a dendrite with stimulation
– Leaves the synapse “potentiated” for a period of time and
the neuron is more responsive
Properties of Long-Term Potentiation
Specificity: only synapses onto a cell that have been
highly active become strengthened
• Cooperativity: simultaneous stimulation by two or more
axons produces LTP much more strongly than does
repeated stimulation by a single axon
• Associativity: pairing a weak input with a strong input
enhances later responses to a weak input
image on slide 65
Long-Term Depression (LTD)
A prolonged decrease in response at a synapse that
occurs when axons have been less active than others
– Compensatory process: as one synapse strengthens,
another weakens
Biochemical Mechanisms
• Studied most in the hippocampus • LTP depends on changes at glutamate synapses – Also GABA synapses, to a lesser extent • Two types of glutamate receptors – AMPA receptors – NMDA receptors
check image at slide 68
Long Term Potentiation in Hippocampal Neurons
Repeated glutamate excitation of AMPA receptors
depolarizes the membrane
• The depolarization displaces magnesium molecules that
had been blocking NMDA receptors
• Glutamate is then able to excite the NMDA receptors,
opening a channel for calcium ions to enter the neuron
• Entry of calcium through the NMDA channel triggers
further changes
Activation of a protein sets a series of events in motion
• More AMPA receptors are built and dendritic branching
is increased
• These changes potentiate the dendrite’s future
responsiveness to incoming glutamate
check image at slide 71
Presynaptic Changes
• Changes in the presynaptic neuron can also cause LTP
– Extensive stimulation of a postsynaptic cell causes the
release of a retrograde transmitter that travels back to the presynaptic cell to cause the following changes:
§ Decrease in action potential threshold
§ Increase neurotransmitter release
§ Expansion of the axons
§ Transmitter release from additional sites
image at slide 73
Understanding Long-Term Potentiation
LTP reflects increased activity by the presynaptic neuron
and increased responsiveness by the postsynaptic
• Understanding LTP is just one step toward
understanding learning
Improving Memory—Drugs
• Understanding the mechanisms of changes that impact
LTP may lead to drugs that improve memory
• Caffeine, Ritalin, and Modafinil enhance learning by
increasing arousal
• Some herbs have doubtful effects
– Ginkgo biloba – Bacopa monnieri
Improving Memory—Gene Expression and Behavioral Methods
Altering gene expression in mice
– Slight benefits to certain types of memory
– Improvements come with a cost: generally impair a
different type of memory – Example: NMDA receptors—faster learning but chronic
• Behavioral methods best way to improve memory
– Study, rehearse, test yourself, get good sleep, and reduce
• Intelligence includes learning, memory, reasoning, and
problem solving.
– Is a difficult concept to define • Charles Spearman’s (1904) report
– All measures of cognitive performance correlate positively
with one another.
• Factor of general intelligence = g
– General intelligence similar to general athletic ability
– Some people are good at one skill and others different
Brain Size and Intelligence
• Bigger brain does not mean “smarter” • All mammalian brains have the same organization, but
they differ greatly in size.
– Within a family (e.g., rodents), larger species, which have
proportionately larger brains, learn faster and retain their
learning better than smaller species. – This is not true if you compare species (e.g., human vs.
Body to Brain Ratio
• The species humans regard as most intelligent—
ourselves—have larger brains in proportion to body size
than do species we consider less impressive, such as
frogs. • Body to Brain Ratio
– Doesn’t make sense for certain species, for example,
Chihuahuas, squirrel monkeys, and marmosets – Human obesity is reducing our ratio!
• So neither total brain mass nor brain-to-body ratio puts
humans in first place.
Total Number of Neurons
• Humans win!
– Total number of neurons may be a reasonable correlate of
intelligence – Whales and elephants have larger brains than humans,
their neurons are larger and more spread out. – Marmosets have a greater brain-to-body ratio than
humans, but their bodies are smaller, and therefore their
brains and neuron number are smaller.
check image at slide 81 and 82
Human Data
• Moderate correlation between brain size and IQ • Intelligence correlates with surface area of the cerebral
cortex in the frontal and parietal lobes as well as with the
caudate nucleus • Intelligence correlates with white matter
– BOTH neurons and the connections among neurons are
Limitations with the Human Data
Men have larger brains but equal IQs
– Overall, males and females have equal intelligence • Hypotheses:
– Women have more and deeper sulci on the cortex-
surface area almost equal to men – Male and female brains organized differently possibly as
an evolutionary mechanism to keep intelligence the same
despite the relative size
• The correlation is not high enough to justify using
brain measurements to make any decisions about
an individual
Genetics and Intelligence (1 of 2)
• Genetics play a role
– Monozygotic twins resemble more alike than dizygotic
twins on tests of overall intelligence, specific cognitive abilities, and brain volume
§ Resemble each other even when reared in separate homes
– Heritability increases as people grow older
§ Adopted children start more similar to adoptive parents but
gradually become more like biological parents
• Heritability of intellectual performance is lower for people
raised in impoverished conditions and who attended
lower-quality schools • Overall: Significant heritability, contributions from many
genes, but no common gene with a major effect
Brain Evolution (1 of 3)
• Human brains are organized similarly to other mammals
(especially primates)
– We have a few specializations for language • So why do we have such large brains?
– Metabolically expensive — 2 percent of the mass, 20
percent of the fuel – In our case, larger brains = fewer offspring
larger brain requires …
Larger brains requires more nutrition and more energy
– Walking upright—saves time and energy
– Cooking food—smaller digestive tract needed
– Hunting in groups vs. alone
– Glucose transport genetic differences
§ More for the brain, less for the muscles § More energy for brains instead of strength § Hunting in groups, tools, weapons become important
They reduce energy for …
Reduce energy for reproduction § Fewer babies—more care § Our lifespan is unusually long § Cooperation is common § Social groups help with rearing of young—male/female pair bonds, family groups