Chapter 12: Group Interventions Flashcards
Group Intervention
- Key nursing strategy in mental health promotion and recovery
- Enhance self-understanding
- Conquer unwanted thoughts and feelings
- Learn new behaviors
- Learn from others
Preparing to Lead
- Group can be structured or unstructured
- Nurse must maintain professional boundaries
- Group may include social activities
- Nurses should avoid meeting personal social needs
- Thoughtful planning and preparation leads to success
(Avoid sharing personal info)
Open Group
- New members join at any time
- Members leave at any time
- New members are at a disadvantage
- Advantage of this type: the group can continue
(Can be anyone, “Let’s discuss your medication”)
Closed Group
- Members join at one time
- No replacement members
- Group more cohesive
- Group more likely to dissolve when members drop out
(Eating disorder group will be a closed group: for only clients with other eating disorders)
Direct Leadership Style
- Direction and information
- Little discussion
- “Tells members what to do”
(Eating disorder)
Indirect Leadership Style
- Reflective of group members’ discussion
- Little guidance or information to the group
- Balance of direction and group freedom
(Talking about medication)
Arranging Seating
- Space and privacy important
- Absence of physical barriers (e.g., tables) to improve communication flow
- Members able to see and hear each other
- Circular arrangement enhancing group work (Group participation)
Planning First Meeting
- Leader setting tone
- Introductions (avoidance of self-disclosure by leader)
- Explanations of group structure, purpose, and rules
-Observation of group dynamics (verbal and nonverbal interactions within the group)
(Meds? Side effects?)
(Not talking at once… one person at a time is talking)
Group Guideline Examples
- Sessions begin and end on time
- All views are heard and respected; cell phones silenced; no side conversations
- Only one speaks at a time, no interruptions
- Emotion is acceptable; aggression is not
- Disagreement is expressed calmly and objectively
-All stay for entire meeting
Who we are and what is said – stays here
(discourage bullying)
Group Development
Techniques for leading groups
Support Confrontation Advice and suggestions Summarizing Clarification Probing and questioning Repeating, paraphrasing Reflecting feelings Reflecting behavior
Beginning Stage
-Also known as honeymoon Stage
- Rapport* getting to know each other
- Techniques for leading groups
- Testing by members
- Conflict**
(Tell them from day one there is going to be a continued relationship if they want… Or if they are uncomfortable with their therapist they need to ask for a change… Make sure client is comfortable with you as their therapist)
Working Stage
- Sharing of idea
- Group personality
- Development of norms
- Realization of purpose
Termination Stage
- Grieve for loss of group’s closeness
- Reestablishment of self as individual
- Summary and future plans
Group Communication
- Facilitation of verbal and nonverbal communication
- Encouraging interaction and active listening
- Monitoring verbal communication
- —Communication pathways
Monitoring nonverbal Communication
- Posture
- Eye Contact
- Body gestures
- Seating Arrangement
Challenging Group Behaviors
- Monopolizer
- “yes, but..”
- Disliked member
- Silent Member
(Usually a psychopath)
(bullying another patient: Manic patient may take over)
(be firm and strict with your client otherwise they will take over)
Saying Good-Bye
- Members begin to grieve for loss of group
- Begin to reestablish individual role
- Some members may try to bring up past issues to prolong or delay end
- Nurse must focus on ending group and avoid being pulled into working stage issues
- Reinforce learned skills and remind members of accomplishments
Types of Groups
- Psychoeducation groups (formally planned)
- Task groups (group cohesiveness important)
- Decision-making groups (possible “groupthink”)
- Supportive therapy groups
- Psychotherapy groups
- Self-help groups ex: AA
- Age-related groups
Nursing Intervention Groups
- Medication Groups
- Symptom management groups
- Anger management groups
- Self-care groups