Chapter 12 - General Equilibrium and the Efficiency of Perfect Competitiion Flashcards
partial equilibrium analysis
The process of examining the equilibrium conditions in individual markets and for households and firms separately.
general equilibrium
The condition that exists when all markets in an economy are in simultaneous equilibrium.
The condition in which the economy is producing
what people want at least possible cost.
Pareto efficiency or Pareto optimality
A condition in which no change is possible that will make some members of society better off without making some other members of society worse off.
market failure
Occurs when resources are misallocated, or
allocated inefficiently. The result is waste or lost value.
public goods, or social goods
Goods and services that bestow collective benefits on members of society. Generally, no one can be excluded from enjoying their benefits. The classic example is national defense.
A cost or benefit imposed or bestowed on an individual or a group that is
outside, or external to, the transaction.
imperfect information
The absence of full knowledge concerning product characteristics, available prices, and so on.