Chapter 12 - Financial Instruments Flashcards
Financial assets - FVPL vs FVOCI = how do you account for costs
FVPL = Expensed in PI
FVOCI = Include costs in IR (FV plus transaction costs)
Amortised cost= include costs
What is a compound instrument
One that has the characteristics of both financial liability and equity.
Example of a compound instrument
issue of a bond that allows the holders to request redemption in the form of cash or a fixed no. of equity shares
Issued vs purchased
Purchased is asset
issued is liability
Impairment IFRS 9
Uses an expected loss approach to impairment accounting. what we think we wont get.
apply to debt instruments = fvoci or amortised costs
help to not over/under state assets
changes in value - incr or decr = goes to PL
Credit loss
PV of the diff between the contractual cf due to an entity and cf that it is expected to receive
due = what you should receive expects = actually receive
How to work out the liability and equity component
The initial carrying amount of the liability component is calculated as the present
value of the cash repayments, discounted using the market rate on non-convertible
bonds. The equity component is the difference between the cash received and the
liability component at the issue date.
Liability and equity component
- a liability component (the obligation to repay cash)
* an equity component (the obligation to issue a fixed number of shares).
Impairment loss
entities must calculate a loss allowance
applies to debt instruments measured at amortised costs or at FVOCI
Credit loss
the pv of the diff between contractual cash flow due to an entity and the cash flow that it expects to recievce
expected credit loss
weighted average credit loss
lifetime expected credit loss
expected credit losses that result from all possible default events
12 month expected credit loss
proportion of lifetime expected credit losses that arise from default events within 12 months of reporting date
events that suggest an asset is credit impaired
sign financial diff of the issuer or borrower
breach of contract such as default
the borrower being granted concessions
becoming probable that the borrower will enter bankruptcy
How to work out interest income if an asset is credit impaired
assets net carrying amount = gross amount - loss allowance