Chapter 12 - Data Collection and Recording Flashcards
What are observations?
The act of noting a phenomenon in the field setting through the senses of the observer. The researchers role can range throughout this process.
What decisions need to be made before observing?
- The role of the researcher (complete participant, participant as observer, observer as participant i.e. non-participant, complete observer).
- Narrow or broad focus.
- Individual or group of researchers.
What are the different types of interviews?
- Structured, semi-structured, or conversational.
- One on one, focus group.
- Face to face, telephone, internet.
What should an interview start and follow up with?
Start with a grand tour question and follow up with probes.
What characteristics should an interview discussion have?
- Open-ended
- Clear and singular
- Centered on understanding your central phenomenon
How should you record interview data?
- Audio taping (will need to be transcribed)
2. Take field notes
What are two other methods of data collection?
- Documents
2. Audiovisual material
How is inductive data analysis conducted?
Concurrently with gathering data. It involves continual reflection and making interpretations.
How do you organize the data?
Transcribe interviews, type field notes, scan images, create files.
What is the purpose of “read and memo” the data?
Read and re-read the text to gain a general sense of the data and reflect on the overall meaning. Get overall sense of info as a whole before breaking it into parts.
What does it mean to code the data?
- Reduce the data into meaningful segments and assign names for segments. Included in vivo terms.
- Combine codes into broader categories or themes.
How many different ways can you write up/present qualitative research?
- Journal articles
- Short film
- Narrative
- Fictional narrative
- Interpretive dance
- Poetic transcription
- Ethnodrama
What does poetic transcription consist of?
Consists of data reduction, while illuminating wholeness/essence. It is filtered through the researcher therefore it creates a third integrative voice.