Chapter 12 - Cars & Other Assets Flashcards
Cars Definitions
Lorries, vans, trucks and whatnot aren’t cars. They are treated as normal bits of P&M.
Cars - FYA
New and unused cars with emissions of 50g/km or lower qualify for 100% FYA
Cars - Gen Pool
Cars with emissions of between 51g/km and 110g/km are put in the main pool and written down at 18%
Cars - SRP
Cars with emissions exceeding 110g/km are put in the SRP and written down at 8%
Cars - AIA
Cars don’t qualify for AIA
Private Use Adjustments
Is a trader or partner uses an asset privately, an adjustment needs to be made to ensure only the business element gets CAs. Private use assets are kept in their own column.
Balancing Allowances and Charges
Balancing adjustments apply when assets in their own pool are sold. When an asset in its own pool is sold, the disposal proceeds are deducted from the pool. The proceeds are limited to original cost. The proceeds deducted from the pool will either exceed t or be less than the tax WDV
Proceeds Exceed Tax WDV
A balancing charge arises where the proceeds exceed the tax WDV, the balancing charge is a negative capital allowance
Proceeds Are Less than Tax WDV
A balancing adjustment arises where the proceeds are less than the tax WDV, the adjustment is a positive capital allowance
Short Life Assets
SLA have a predicted useful life of less than 8 years. Computer equipment is a good example.
SLA Exclusions
Cars, ships, long life assets, assets with partial non-business use and expenditure in the SRP cannot be classed as SLAs
A business can depool an asset ie deal with the asset separately from the pools. This gives the asset its own column.
SLA Cont.
Sale of a SLA gives rise to a balancing adjustment/charge
Cessation of a Business
When a business closes, the various CA columns must shut down. As they are shutting down, no WDV can be carried forward, instead balancing adjustments arise in each pool. No WDA, FYAs or AIAs are given in year of cessation
Balancing Adjustments - Gen Pool & SRP
A balancing allowance will only ever arise in the gen pool and SRP on cessation of trade.
A balancing charge can can arise in the GP and SRP while trade continues, this happens if a plant is sold in the year and the disposal exceeds the tax WDV