Chapter 12 Flashcards
Crystalline Solids
Highly regular morphology, order at the atomic level, atoms arranged in a very regular, highly ordered pattern
Amorphous solid
Characterized by a distinct lack of order in the arrangement of atoms, thought as frozen liquids, typically brittle and optically transparent
Metallic solid
Contains metals, solid held together by metallic bonds, conduct electricity, strong but not brittle, malleable and ductile, have variable melting point
Ionic solid
Contains metal and nonmetal, solid held together by electrostatics, insulators but (l) molten or (aq) are conductors, hard but brittle, high MP and BP
Covalent-Network solid
Contains nonmetals or metalloids, insulators or semiconductors, very hard, very high MP or BP
Molecular solid
Contains nonmetals, discrete molecules held together in the solids phase by weak IMFs, soft, poor or no conductivity… unless an acid or base (aq), low MP and BP