Chapter 12 Flashcards
This is known as prejudice against foreign people.
These two men were arrested and charged with robbery and murder of a factory paymaster and his guard. Arrested because they were immigrants and anarchists.
Sacco & Vanzetti
This group of cronies were the president’s poker playing buddies.
Ohio gang
Campaigned for president in 1928 on the promise of economic growth. Eventually
everything concerning the Great Depression was blamed on him.
Herbert Hoover
An economic and political society based on a single-party government ruled by a
In 1903, this man wanted to build a car that everyone could afford.
Henry Ford
This group was devoted to 100% Americanism.
What group pledged to avoid strikes?
American Federation of Labor
This act set up the quota system.
The Emergency Quota Act of 1921
In 1925, this man founded the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters to help African
Americans gain a fair wage.
Philip Randolph
Protested low wages and long work days. His protests caused the coal miners to strike.
John Lewis
In 1928, fifteen countries signed this pact, which renounced war as a national policy.
The pact was futile, as it provided no means of enforcement.
Kellogg-Briand Pact
This group of people were excluded from most unions.
This plan was named after an American banker that was sent to negotiate loans to
Germany. In this plan, American investors loan Germany $2.5 billion to pay back Britain and
France. It also calmed fears of another war.
Dawes Plan
A widespread fear of Communism in the United States.
Red Scare
In 1922, Americans adopted this tariff, which raised taxes on U.S. imports to 60
percent. This was the highest level ever.
Fordney McCumber Tariff
Most spectacular example of corruption during Harding’s administration.
Teapot Dome Scandel
This man was the Secretary of the Interior for Harding that was responsible for the
Teapot Dome Scandal.
Albert B. Fall
Process of returning to a peace time economy.
Raids that were conducted on suspected radical groups that were thought to be
The Palmer Raids
This man that was described as a good-natured man who “looked like a president
Warren G. Harding
Allowed customers to buy goods by making a small down payment followed by additional monthly payments with a charged interest rate.
Installment Plan
Became president after the death of President Harding.
Calvin Coolidge
Henry Ford’s idea that he could create a better work environment to prevent workers
from quitting or joining a union.
This system established the maximum number of people who could enter the United
States from foreign countries.
quota system
Ford created this car in 1908. It was the car of the people. It was easy to maintain, operate and affordable by all.
model T
Policy in where a country pulls away involvement in foreign affairs.
Ford’s Model T was produced in this color only
People who oppose any form of government.
The type of manufacturing process created by Ford to assemble his cars.
Assembly Line
This allowed workers to live miles away from their jobs and caused cities to spread in
all directions.
Urban Sprawl
Became the most important tool of selling goods to people in the 1920’s.
Started as a general store and grew to having 1400 locations by 1929. It offered stock
options to it’s employees, which encouraged them to work hard.
J.C. Penny
The Lockheed Company produced a single-engine plane called the ________.
Inaugurated the first Transatlantic passenger flights.
Pan American Airways
The airplane industry began as a mail carrying service for this company.
United States Post Office