Chapter 12 Flashcards
Drugs that slow down the body’s functions and reactions
A drug that is produced by a chemical reaction in fruits vegetables and grains
Others ways of thinking or acting
Reaction time
The ability of the body to respond quickly and appropriately to situations
Means a persons mental and physical abilities have been impaired by alcohol
Is a measure of the amount of alcohol present in a persons blood
Alcohol poising
Is a dangerous condition that results a person drinks excessive amounts of alcohol over a short time period
A condition in which the body doesn’t get the nutrients it needs to grow and function properly
Fatty liver
A condition in which fats build up in the liver and cannot be broken down
This is a disease characterized by scarring and eventual destruction of the liver
Binge drinking
Is the consumption of large quality of alcohol in a very choirt period of time
Is a conscious or unconscious restraint of a persons own behaviors and actions
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Fas is a group of alcohol related birth deflects that include both physical and mental problems
This is a physical or physiclogical need for drug
Is a progress chronic disease involving mental and physical need for alcohol