Chapter 12 Flashcards
- Public Good
An item whose consumption does not reduce the amount available for others.
- Chilling Effect
The lack of bargaining flexibility caused by the parties’ fear that a concession made in negotiations will reduce the arbitration outcome.
- Narcotic or Dependency Effect
A result of frequent use of arbitration that may cause parties to lose the ability to freely negotiate settlements without third-party assistance.
- New Public Management (NPM)
A new approach to public administration in which public organizations are to become more decentralized, market-driven, and concerned with financial control, and managers more empowered and performance-orientated.
- Socio-technical Systems Design
Systems of new technology in which workers are complements to, not simply extensions of, technology; in which participation, communication, and collaboration are encouraged through an accommodative organizational structure, and in which individual workers achieve control through shared responsibility and minimal supervision.