Chapter 11: The Dark Ages Flashcards
Declared that all churches must agree with the Church of Rome.
The first Christian church was in
Church position that means “servant”
Church position that means “overseer” or “superintendent”
States that the power of the apostles is passed down from successor to successor in an unbroken line.
Apostolic succession
The power of the apostles.
Apostolic authority
States that Peter is the head of the church and that he passed down his power to his successor.
Petrine Theory
The bishop of the official Roman Catholic Chirch is called the
In what year was Pope Leo I officially declared head of the Roman church?
In what year did Pope Gelasius I publish the doctrine of the two swords.
Who stated the doctrine of the two swords
Pope Galasius I
What was the doctrine of the two swords
The Roman church would always be right in any and all concepts regarding biblical doctrine.
Who was the first medieval pope?
Pope Gregory I
Who stated that submission to the pope MUST subject themselves to the roman pope is required for salvation
Pope Boniface VIII
Missionary to Ireland
Certain works necessary to achieve salvation
To be cut off from the church.
The thinking that the bread/wine really becomes Jesus’ flesh/blood.
Objects considered holy that we’re purchased and worshipped
Certificates purchased from the Pope that shortened a soul’s stay in purgatory and allows them access to heaven.
Who translated the Bible into English
John Wycliffe
Who translates the bible for the people of the alps?
Peter Waldo
Two ministers who preached against the Roman Catholic Church.
Peter of Bruis and Peter Waldo
What officially made it illegal for bibles to be read by the public
The council to Toulouse.
The service and worship book of the church
To not marry
Non eateries for nuns were called
Monastical life followed strict rules and regulations known as
The most popular order of that the monks followed was
The Benedictine order
The most prominent orders for friars were the
Franciscans and the Dominicans
The most dominant Germanic tribe was the
The first great Frankish military leader was
Clovis was baptized in
Most famous mayor of the palace
Charles Martel
What does Martel mean
Who invaded the Spain in 732
The moors
When was the battle of tours
Charles Martel’s sons name was
Pepin the short
Pepin the short initiated the ____ line of kings
Started to Saxon line of kings
Henry the Fowler
In what year was out of the great crowned emperor of the Holy Roman Empire
Who was the ambitious monk who served as adviser to the Popes
Who decreed that the Popes can only be chosen by the Cardinals
Nicholas II
Who were the priests of the churches in Rome another Italian cities
Who became Pope Gregory the seventh
What is lay investiture
The ability of laymen to elect bishops and church officials
What King oppose Pope Gregory VII
Henry IV
At what castle did Henry IV ask Gregory VII for forgiveness
The papacy attained the zenith of its power and influence under who
Innocent III
What is an interdict
No infants were baptized no masses said no confessions heard no dying persons received last rights and no dead were properly interred
In what year was the fourth laternal counsel held
What was officially declared at the fourth laternal counsel in Rome
The official statement transubstantiation
What court had the power to inquire about and judging matters of heresy
Holy office of the Inquisition
Who levyed taxes by 50% on the French clergies annual income
King Philip the Fair
Pope Clement V the fair moved the papal court of Rome to
The point in time were rival popes and Cardinals were fighting over the papacy was
The great schism