Chapter 11: The Age of Reformation Flashcards
Thirteenth century lay religious movements
Thirteenth century lay religious movements
Fifteenth century lay religious movements
Fifteenth century lay religious movements
One of the most successful lay movements which fostered religion in ordinary life and was active in education
Brothers of the Common Life (The Modern Devotion)
Brothers of the Common Life (The Modern Devotion)
One of the most successful lay movements which fostered religion in ordinary life and was active in education
Founder of the Brothers of the Common Life
Gerard Groote
Gerard Groote
Founder of the Brothers of the Common Life
Claimed the church had an infinite treasury of good works
Pope Clement VI
Pope Clement VI
Claimed the church had an infinite treasury of good works
Extended indulgences to cover purgatory
Pope Sixtus IV
Pope Sixtus IV
Extended indulgences to cover purgatory
Paired with the pope to sell indulgences to cover debts
Archbishop Albrecht of Mainz
Archbishop Albrecht of Mainz
Paired with the pope to sell indulgences to cover debts
Famous indulgence preacher
John Tetzel
John Tetzel
Famous indulgence preacher
Extremely catholic holy roman emperor
Charles V
Charles V
Extremely catholic holy roman emperor
Leader of the Swiss reformation
Ulrich Zwingli
Ulrich Zwingli
Leader of the Swiss reformation
Tried the unite Swiss and German protestants
Landgrave Philip of Hesse
Landgrave Philip of Hesse
Tried the unite Swiss and German protestants
Originated anabaptism
Conrad Grebel
Conrad Grebel
Originated anabaptism
Leaders of anabaptist takeover of Munster
Jan Matthys of Haarlem
Jan Beukelsz of Leiden
Jan Matthys of Haarlem
Jan Beukelsz of Leiden
Leaders of anabaptist takeover of Munster
Leader of moderate anabaptism who set the example for the future
Menno Simons
Menno Simons
Leader of moderate anabaptism who set the example for the future
Spiritualist who had a close connection with Anabaptist leaders in Germany and Switzerland and died as a result of a peasants’ revolt
Thomas Muntzer
Thomas Muntzer
Spiritualist who had a close connection with Anabaptist leaders in Germany and Switzerland and died as a result of a peasants’ revolt
Spiritualist freelance critic of all dogmatic religion who claimed the autonomy of every soul
Sebastian Franck
Sebastian Franck
Spiritualist freelance critic of all dogmatic religion who claimed the autonomy of every soul
Prolific Spiritualist writer and wanderer
Caspar Schwenckfeld
Caspar Schwenckfeld
Prolific Spiritualist writer and wanderer
Executed in Geneva for “blasphemies against the Holy Trinity”
Michael Servetus
Michael Servetus
Executed in Geneva for “blasphemies against the Holy Trinity”
Founders of Socinianism
Lelio and Faustus Sozzini
Lelio and Faustus Sozzini
Founders of Socinianism
Founder of Calvinism, prominent in Geneva
John Calvin
John Calvin
Founder of Calvinism, prominent in Geneva
Protestant reformers sent by Bern to Geneva
Guillaume Farel
Antoine Froment
Guillaume Farel
Antoine Froment
Protestant reformers sent by Bern to Geneva
Leaders of Schmalkaldic League
Landgrave Philip of Hesse
Elector John Frederick of Saxony
Landgrave Philip of Hesse
Elector John Frederick of Saxony
Leaders of Schmalkaldic League
Praeceptor of Germany
Philip Melanchthon
Philip Melanchthon
Praeceptor of Germany
Brought the reformation to Denmark
Christian II
Christian II
Brought the reformation to Denmark
Danish king who joined the Schmalkaldic League
Frederick I
Frederick I
Danish king who joined the Schmalkaldic League
Made Lutheranism the official religion of Denmark
Christian III
Christian III
Made Lutheranism the official religion of Denmark
Swedish king who embraced lutheranism
Gustavus Vasa
Gustavus Vasa
Swedish king who embraced lutheranism
Strasbourg reformer who departed to England after 1547
Martin Bucer
Martin Bucer
Strasbourg reformer who departed to England after 1547
Picked by Charles to rule Saxony, shifted to Protestantism soon after
Maurice of Saxony
Maurice of Saxony
Picked by Charles to rule Saxony, shifted to Protestantism soon after
Translated bible into English while in Germany
William Tyndale
William Tyndale
Translated bible into English while in Germany
Chief Ministers of Henry VIII who opposed reformation
Cardinal Thomas Wolsley
Sir Thomas More
Cardinal Thomas Wolsley
Sir Thomas More
Chief Ministers of Henry VIII who opposed reformation
“Defender of Faith” after defended the seven sacraments
Henry VIII
Henry VIII
“Defender of Faith” after defended the seven sacraments
Henry VIII’s first wife
Catherine of Aragon
Catherine of Aragon
Henry VIII’s first wife
Advisers to the King who had Lutheran sympathies
Thomas Cranmer
Thomas Cromwell
Thomas Cranmer
Thomas Cromwell
Advisers to the King who had Lutheran sympathies
Refused to recognize the Act of Succession and the Act of Supremacy
Thomas More
John Fisher bishop of Rochester
Thomas More
John Fisher bishop of Rochester
Refused to recognize the Act of Succession and the Act of Supremacy
Henry’s third wife, died in childbirth
Jane Seymour
Jane Seymour
Henry’s third wife, died in childbirth
Henry’s fourth wife, anulled
Anne of Cleves
Anne of Cleves
Henry’s fourth wife, anulled
Henry’s fifth wife, beheaded
Catherine Howard
Catherine Howard
Henry’s fifth wife, beheaded
Henry’s sixth wife, survived
Catherine Parr
Catherine Parr
Henry’s sixth wife, survived
Book which summarized the philosophy of the Brothers of the Common Life
Thomas a Kempis
Imitation of Christ
Thomas a Kempis
Imitation of Christ
Book which summarized the philosophy of the Brothers of the Common Life
Church positions were sold to the highest bidder
Church positions were sold to the highest bidder
Belief that faith in Christ was enough to guarantee salvation
Justification by Faith
Justification by Faith
Belief that faith in Christ was enough to guarantee salvation
Remission of the temporal penalty imposed by priests on penitents
Remission of the temporal penalty imposed by priests on penitents
Martin Luther
Protested indulgences
95 theses
95 theses
Martin Luther
Protested indulgences
Urged German Princes to force reforms on the church
Martin Luther
The Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation
Martin Luther
The Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation
Urged German Princes to force reforms on the church
Attacked the traditional seven sacraments of the church
Martin Luther
The Babylonian Captivity of The Church
Martin Luther
The Babylonian Captivity of The Church
Attacked the traditional seven sacraments of the church
Summarized the new teaching of salvation by faith alone
Martin Luther
Freedom of a Christian
Martin Luther
Freedom of a Christian
Summarized the new teaching of salvation by faith alone
Pope condemned Luther for heresy
Papal bull Exsurge Domine
Papal bull Exsurge Domine
Pope condemned Luther for heresy
Excommunicated Luther
Pontificem Romanum
Pontificem Romanum
Excommunicated Luther
Allowed each territory to enforce the Edict of Worms
Diet of Speyer
Diet of Speyer
Allowed each territory to enforce the Edict of Worms
Reinforced princely control over religion
Peace of Augsburg
Reinforced princely control over religion
Peace of Augsburg
Caused Zwingli to become a critic of foreign mercenary service
Battle of Marignano
Battle of Marignano
Caused Zwingli to become a critic of foreign mercenary service
Meeting organized by Philip of Hesse between Luther and Zwingli
The Marburg Colloquy
The Marburg Colloquy
Meeting organized by Philip of Hesse between Luther and Zwingli
Embodied semi-Zwinglian theological views
Tetrapolitan Confession
Tetrapolitan Confession
Embodied semi-Zwinglian theological views
Battle of swiss civil war, ended in a protestant victory
First Battle at Kappel
First Battle at Kappel
Battle of swiss civil war, ended in a protestant victory
Ended with Zwingli’s death and religious toleration
Second Battle at Kappel
Second Battle at Kappel
Ended with Zwingli’s death and religious toleration
Baptism should only be performed on consenting adults
Baptism should only be performed on consenting adults
Another name for anabaptists
Swiss Brethren
Swiss Brethren
Another name for anabaptists
Embodied the beliefs of Grebel’s group
Schleitheim Confession
Schleitheim Confession
Embodied the beliefs of Grebel’s group
John Calvin
Articles for governance for the new church in Geneva
Rules Governing Genevan Moral Behavior
Institutes of the Christian Religion
John Calvin
Considered by many to be the definitive statement of the Protestant faith
Meeting between Catholics and protestants led by Charles V which decided that all protestants must convert
Diet of Augsburg
Diet of Augsburg
Meeting between Catholics and protestants led by Charles V which decided that all protestants must convert
Protestant defense force
Schmalkaldic League
Schmalkaldic League
Protestant defense force
Moderate statement of Protestant beliefs that had been spurned by Charles V
Augsburg Confession
Augsburg Confession
Moderate statement of Protestant beliefs that had been spurned by Charles V
Martin Luther
More strongly worded Protestant Confession
Schmalkaldic Articles
Schmalkaldic Articles
Martin Luther
More strongly worded Protestant Confession
Judicial bodies composed of theologians and lawyers which oversaw and administered new Protestant churches
Judicial bodies composed of theologians and lawyers which oversaw and administered new Protestant churches
Subjected the Swedish clergy to royal authority
Diet of Vesteras
Diet of Vesteras
Subjected the Swedish clergy to royal authority
Mandated that Protestants readopt old Catholic beliefs and practices
Augsburg Interim
Augsburg Interim
Mandated that Protestants readopt old Catholic beliefs and practices
Gave Lutherans religious freedoms
Peace of Passau
Peace of Passau
Gave Lutherans religious freedoms
Ruler of land determines the religion of the land
Cuius regio, eius religio
Cuius regio, eius religio
Ruler of land determines the religion of the land
Thomas More
Defended seven sacraments
Response to Luther
Response to Luther
Thomas More
Defended seven sacraments
Clergy recognized Henry as head the church
The Convocation
The Convocation
Clergy recognized Henry as head the church
Made Boleyn’s children legitimate heirs
The Act of Succession
The Act of Succession
Made Boleyn’s children legitimate heirs
Made Henry “the only supreme head in earth of the Church of England.”
The Act of Supremacy
The Act of Supremacy
Made Henry “the only supreme head in earth of the Church of England.”
Henry’s mild concessions to Protestant tenets
The Ten Articles
The Ten Articles
Henry’s mild concessions to Protestant tenets
Henry VIII
Reaffirmed transubstantiation, denied the Eucharistic cup to the laity, declared celibate vows inviolable, provided for private masses and orderred the continuation of auricular confession
The Six Articles
The Six Articles
Henry VIII
Reaffirmed transubstantiation, denied the Eucharistic cup to the laity, declared celibate vows inviolable, provided for private masses and orderred the continuation of auricular confession
Places where endowed masses had traditionally been said for the dead
Places where endowed masses had traditionally been said for the dead
Imposed Book of Common Prayer on all English churches
Act of Uniformity
Act of Uniformity
Imposed Book of Common Prayer on all English churches
Book by Thomas Cranmer
Book of Common Prayer
Book of Common Prayer
Book by Thomas Cranmer
Imposed a revised edition of the Book of Common Prayer
Second Act of Uniformity
Second Act of Uniformity
Imposed a revised edition of the Book of Common Prayer
42 articles taught justification by faith and supremacy of Holy Scripture, denied transubstantiation and recognized only two sacraments
Confession of faith by Thomas Cranmer
Confession of faith by Thomas Cranmer
42 articles taught justification by faith and supremacy of Holy Scripture, denied transubstantiation and recognized only two sacraments
The reformation broke out
Saxony, Germany
Saxony, Germany
The reformation broke out
95 Theses posted
Castle Church, Wittenberg
Castle Church, Wittenberg
95 Theses posted
Both battles of Swiss civil war
Both battles of Swiss civil war
Anabaptist extremist reign
Anabaptist extremist reign
Religious pluralism thrived in late 16th century
Religious pluralism thrived in late 16th century
Refuge for Protestants after 1547
Magdeburg, Germany
Magdeburg, Germany
Refuge for Protestants after 1547
Where future English reformers met to discuss Lutheran writings
White Horse Inn in Cambridge
White Horse Inn in Cambridge
Where future English reformers met to discuss Lutheran writings
Martin Luther received master-of-arts degree
Martin Luther received master-of-arts degree
Luther entered the Order of the Hermits of Saint Augustine
July 17. 1505
July 17. 1505
Luther entered the Order of the Hermits of Saint Augustine
Luther ordained
Luther ordained
Luther moved to Augustinian Monastery in Wittenberg
Luther moved to Augustinian Monastery in Wittenberg
Luther received doctorate in theology
Luther received doctorate in theology
Luther developed justification by faith alone
1513 to 1518
1513 to 1518
Luther developed justification by faith alone
The church claimed it had an infinite treasury of good works
The church claimed it had an infinite treasury of good works
Indulgence were extended to cover purgatory
Indulgence were extended to cover purgatory
Revival of Jubilee Indulgence
Revival of Jubilee Indulgence
Luther posted his 95 theses protesting indulgences
October 31, 1517
October 31, 1517
Luther posted his 95 theses protesting indulgences
Emperor Maximilian I died
January 19, 1519
January 19, 1519
Emperor Maximilian I died
Debate in Leipzig
June 27, 1519
June 27, 1519
Debate in Leipzig
Luther created three pamphlets which signaled a shift in direction
Luther created three pamphlets which signaled a shift in direction
Luther condemned by pope
June 15, 1520
June 15, 1520
Luther condemned by pope
Luther excommunicated
January 3,1521
January 3,1521
Luther excommunicated
Diet of Worms
April 1521
April 1521
Diet of Worms
Luther placed under imperial ban
May 26, 1521
May 26, 1521
Luther placed under imperial ban
Luther hidden in castle
April 1521 to March 1522
April 1521 to March 1522
Luther hidden in castle
German Diet of Speyer
German Diet of Speyer
Peace of Augsburg
Peace of Augsburg
Battle of Marignano
Battle of Marignano
Zwingli entered competition to be people’s priest in Zurich
Zwingli entered competition to be people’s priest in Zurich
Zwingli broke the Lenten fast
Zwingli broke the Lenten fast
The Marburg Colloquy
October 1529
October 1529
The Marburg Colloquy
First battle at Kappel
June 1529
June 1529
First battle at Kappel
Second battle at Kappel
October 1531
October 1531
Second battle at Kappel
First adult rebaptism
January 1525
January 1525
First adult rebaptism
Schleitheim Confession
Schleitheim Confession
Rebaptism became a capital offense in HRE
Rebaptism became a capital offense in HRE
Anabaptist reign in Munster
Anabaptist reign in Munster
Calvin converted to Protestantism
Calvin converted to Protestantism
Calvin surrendered his benefices
May 1534
May 1534
Calvin surrendered his benefices
Bern dispatched two reformers to Geneva
Bern dispatched two reformers to Geneva
Protestants in Geneva triumphed
Protestants in Geneva triumphed
Geneva adopted reformation
May 21, 1536
May 21, 1536
Geneva adopted reformation
Calvin arrived in Geneva
July 1536
July 1536
Calvin arrived in Geneva
Calvin’s Rules Governing Genevan Moral Behavior
Calvin’s Rules Governing Genevan Moral Behavior
Geneva elected syndics favorable to Calvin and determined to become independent from Bern
Geneva elected syndics favorable to Calvin and determined to become independent from Bern
Calvin returned to Geneva
September 1540
September 1540
Calvin returned to Geneva
Michael Servetus executed by Calvin
Michael Servetus executed by Calvin
All syndics were devout Calvinists
All syndics were devout Calvinists
Diet of Augsburg
Diet of Augsburg
Formation of Schmalkaldic League
February 1531
February 1531
Formation of Schmalkaldic League
Schmalkaldic League crushed
Schmalkaldic League crushed
Defeat of Catholic forces
Defeat of Catholic forces
Peace of Passau
August 1552
August 1552
Peace of Passau
Peace of Augsburg
September 1555
September 1555
Peace of Augsburg
Circulation of Tyndale’s bible began
Circulation of Tyndale’s bible began
Response to Luther
Response to Luther
Henry VIII’s marriage to Catherine of Aragon
Henry VIII’s marriage to Catherine of Aragon
Reformation Parliament
Reformation Parliament
The Convocation
January 1531
January 1531
The Convocation
Marriage to Anne Boleyn
January 1533
January 1533
Marriage to Anne Boleyn
Parliament made the king the highest court of appeal
February 1533
February 1533
Parliament made the king the highest court of appeal
Cranmer led the Convocation in invalidating Henry’s marriage to Catherine
March 1533
March 1533
Cranmer led the Convocation in invalidating Henry’s marriage to Catherine
Parliament ended payments to Rome
Parliament ended payments to Rome
Anne Boleyn executed
Anne Boleyn executed
The Ten Articles
The Ten Articles
The Six Articles
The Six Articles
Chantries dissolved
Chantries dissolved
Act of Uniformity
Act of Uniformity
Images and altars removed from churches in England
Images and altars removed from churches in England
German protestants began fleeing to England in large numbers
German protestants began fleeing to England in large numbers
Second Act of Uniformity
Second Act of Uniformity
Mary I became queen and reverted to Catholicism
Mary I became queen and reverted to Catholicism