Chapter 11- Stress Flashcards
Process of appraising and responding to a threatening or challenging events.
Psychological and physiological reactions that occurs when perceived demands exceed existing resources to meet those demands
Regularly taking action to move yourself toward the positive end of the spectrum of health
Self care
Breathing stretching nature sleep fitness nutrition spiritual
Presentation about stress
Talked about walking on 5 senses
Abdominal breathing which improves concentration
Taking time for yourself
Attentional diffusion- allowing ones focus to diffuse while walking in a forest, restful state
Smart goal
Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely
Micro stressors
Little things, daily hassles like being late, not enough money, presentations
Catastrophic events
Affect large number of people like hurricanes or war
Major life events
Changes like divorce death in the family
Home invasion
Primary appraisal
Initial evaluation of a situation Irrelevant
Benign- positive or harmless
Secondary appraisal
If you see it as stressful then you look at yourself and the situation and determine if you can cope
Changed based on new information
Reevaluate new things
Hans Selye
Came up with the general adaptation syndrome
1) alarm reactions-fight or flight
2) resistance-stressor persists, still alarming but manageable
3) exhaustion- immune system decreases, get sick more often, death can occur
Tend and befriend
Women mostly when under stress like to nurture friends kids, gather people
Oxytocin released which produces a calming effect
Psychological effects of stress
Anxiety disorders
Panic attacks
Learned helplessness, depression
May trigger a psychological disorder
Physical effects of stress
May lead to cancer Worsen conditions Ulcers asthma Cardiovascular diseases. Premature aging Bad habits like smoking and eating poorly Neuronal death in the hippocampus
Problem focused
Good things, attack problem head on
Works best on situations where you feel like you have control
Emotion focused
Indirectly Deal with emotions surrounding stresser, may meditate problem
Ex- goes out for beer with friends
Each cigarette takes 7-11 min off your life. 10 years average off life.
Males die thirteen years earlier and females 15 earlier than non smokers. 50% begin in teens and die from smoking
Advertising and tobacco
Can advertise in bars because of the adult population. No promotions no sales. Can have toys that resemble cigarettes advertising on tv magazines and radio are banned in Canada
Smoking Addiction
Hand to mouth habit
More addictive than cocaine heroin or alcohol
Psychological dependency- false belief that it relaxes them, more sociable less uncomfortable
Benefits to quit smoking
Blood pressure returns to normal
Smell and taste improve
Alcohol and binge drinking
Depresses respiratory system
5 or more drinks in males and 4 or more drinks in females in one sitting is considered binge drinking
Class 1 obesity-30-34.9 on bmi scale Class 2- 35-39.9 Class 3- 40+ Premature death doubles Causes high blood pressure type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Peer pressure and addiction
Eat more when with friends.
Increase dopamine pleasure pathway.
Psychological dependency
59% of variability due to genetics
Healthy coping strategies
Accept challenged Take control Look for humor Take care of yourself Be optimistic
Four types of cells are active in search and destroy
B lymphocytes
T lymphocytes
Natural killer cells
Immune system can err in two ways
Respond to strong, may attack own tissue causing an allergic reactions
Underacting- allow a bacterial infection to flare, virus to erupt or cancer cells to multiple
Social support and stress
Social support:
Calms us and reduces blood pressure and stress hormones
Fosters stronger immune functioning
Chance to confide personal feelings
Aerobic exercise
Can decrease depression Better cognitive function Muscle relaxation Sounder sleep Increase norepinephrine and serotonin
Reaction in your mind and body to an event in the outside world that alarms or arouses you.