Chapter 11; Rogers: Person-Centered Theory Flashcards
Formative Tendency
Evolve from simpler to more complex forms
Actualizing Tendency
Tendency to move toward completion of fulfillment of potentials
Real Self
The you that is founded in the actualizing tendency
Needs and receives positive and self-regard
Ideal Self
The you that is always out of reach and standards cannot be met
The gap between the real and ideal self
What does incongruity cause?
Conditions of Worth
Only given what we need when we show we are worthy
Positive Regard
Receive love, etc based on behavior
Doesn’t encourage the development of positive self-regard
Positive Self-Regard
We begin to like ourselves only if we meet other’s standards rather than if we are truly actualizing our potentials
Unconditional Positive Regard
When positive regard exists without any conditions or qualifications
Theory of Psychotherapy
Goal of independence