Chapter 1.1 - Physicsl Quantities R1 Flashcards
Express the base units of resistance.
kg m2 s-3 A-2
State all 6 SI base unit symbols on the CCEA specification.
What are the base units for volume?
Express the base units for pressure.
kg m-1 s-2
State the SI unit of resistance.
Ohm / Ω
What 2 things do all physical quantities consist of?
Numerical magnitude and unit.
What does the prefix p represent and what is its multiplying factor?
This prefix is pico 10-12
State the SI symbol for length.
What does the prefix m represent and what is its multiplying factor?
This prefix is milli 10-3
Express the base units for force.
kg m s-2
Name the 6 base units on the CCEA specification.
BONUS - Name the base unit not on the specification.
Mass. Length. Time. Current. Temperature. Amount of substance.
Bonus - Luminious intensity.
Some SI symbols are small caps, eg m and s. Some are large caps, eg K and A. What is the reason for this?
Those in large caps, eg N, K & A are named after someone (Newton, Lord Kelvin, Andre-Marie Ampere).
What physical quantity is being measured in the information below for a machine?
876 kJ ms-1
Power (remember power = Energy / Time).
Express the base units for momentum.
kg m s-1
Express the following energy in mJ.
Express you answer in standard form.
4.82 x 10-7 MJ
4.82 x 102 mJ
Express the following voltage in kV.
7.34 x 105 V
7.34 x 102 kV
The list below gives you a number of physical quantities and units. Which are base quantities or base units?
State the SI symbol for temperature.
Express the base units for Hz.
What does the prefix μ represent and what is its multiplying factor?
This prefix is micro 10-6
What does the prefix T represent and what is its multiplying factor?
This prefix is Tera 1012
Express the base units for a moment.
kg m2 s-2
What are base units?
A unit from which all other units are derived.
State the SI symbol for current.
State the SI symbol for mass.
State the SI symbol for time.
The following information below outlines the power of a machine.
33.8 MJ μs-1
Use you knowledge of prefixes to express this answer in W.
33.8 x 1012 W
or 3.38 x 1013 W in standard form.
( Mega / micro is 106 / 10-6 = 1012)
What does the prefix M represent and what is its multiplying factor?
This prefix is mega 106
Express the base units for energy.
kg m2 s-2
What are the base units for density?
Express the base units for charge.
A s
What does the prefix G represent and what is its multiplying factor?
This prefix is Gega 109
Express the base units for the volt.
kg m2 s-3 A-1
What does the prefix n represent and what is its multiplying factor?
This prefix is nano 10-9
Express the base units for power.
kg m2 s-3
State the SI symbol for amount of substance.
What is meant by a derived unit?
Unit made up from (combination of 2 or more) base units.
What does the prefix k represent and what is its multiplying factor?
This prefix is kilo 103
What does the prefix c represent and what is its multiplying factor?
This prefix is centi 10-2