Chapter 11. Microbiologial Quality Control for Laboratory Rodents & Lagomorphs Flashcards
Henry Foster
- Veterinarian who founded Charles River in 1948
- Pioneer in developing biosecurity systems to eliminate and exclude pathogens
Axenic & associated rodents mentioned in the Cesarean-originated barrier sustained (COBS) process are classified as?
- Gnotobiotic = completely known microbiota
- In contrast, barrier housed rodents are not gnotobiotic because acquire microbiota from environment, supplies, personnel - they are called SPF
Health monitoring for rodents
- Traditionally included direct gross and microscopic examinations of animal specimens, microbiology with culture, serology
- Now PCR common
- Commercial suppliers discontinued direct room-to-room transfers based on negative health monitoring results, as this surely contributed to inadvertant dissemination of unrecognized pathogens
The rate of new contaminations or outbreaks
% positive within a time period
Genetically engineered mice and pathogens
- GE mice represent a significant source of adventitious agents not present in commercial colonies & capable of confounding experiments
- Import-export between institutions
Current Good Maufacturing Practices (CGMPs) for pharmaceuticals
- Strict control of production processes & comprehensive quality testing
- Similar to microbiological quality control of research animals and biological reagents
Principals or Principal Animals
The animal populations, or groups, being monitored, whether resident or in quarantine
-Residents include colony and study animals housed at a facility
Repeat testing
Containing & eradicating adventitious infections is costly = repeat testing is crucial, employing complementary methodologies if possible, to verify infection of resident animals before taking remedial measures
Exclusion lists for SPF mice and rats are more extensive than for rabbits and other common lab species
1) Mice and rats account for the vast majority of animals used in research - more is known about their indigenous pathogens
2) The diversity of inbred, and naturally and genetically engineered immunodeficient mutant rodent strains highly susceptible to infectious disease, in conjunction with sensitive immunoassay methods, and advances in molecular genetics, has contributed to the discovery and characterization of rodent pathogens found to be the cause of ubiquitous, inapparent infections of lab rodent colonies
3) Predominance of murine rodent research models has provided strong incentives for diagnostic laboratories and vendors to develop specific serology & PCR assays
4) Rederivation by hysterectomy or embryo transder (ET) to eliminate all exogenous pathogens is the standard practice for SPF mice and rats, but not other species
How are pathogenic bacteria and fungi distinguished from commensal & autochthonous (indigenous) organisms for SPF exclusion?
By their ability to establish themselves in niches devoid of other microorganisms such as the lower respiratory tract, urogenital tract, internal organs, & intracellularly
Primary pathogen
Can cause disease in an immunocompetent host
Examples: Salmonella, Mycoplasma pulmonis,
Helicobacter hepaticus, and Clostridium piliforme (the etiology of Tyzzer’s disease)
-For the most part, only primary pathogens are included on SPF exclusion lists for immunocompetent animals
Opportunistic pathogen
Cause disease mainly in immunocompromised hosts
Examples: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, β-hemolytic streptococci, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pneumocystis fungi
Specific opportunistic pathogen-free
Lab animal biosecurity
Consists of all measure taken to eliminate, exclude, contain, and eradicate adventitious infections
- The most dependable approach for eliminating infections with
- Embryo transfer into pseudopregnant recipient females has supplanted nursing of C-section originated pups by gnotobiotic or SPF foster mothers as GOLD STANDARD
- C-section less reliable than embryo transfer d/t vertical transmission of viruses to fetuses & bacteria capable of colonizing uterus
- Neonatal transfer of pups after birth to SPF foster mothers after being immersed in disinfectant - cheaper, does not require euthanasia of breeders
Why is vertical transmission by embryo transfer unlikely?
- Zona pellucida that surrounds the embryos and oocytes excludes pathogens
- Risk of infecting recipient female minimized by extensive washing of embryos
Benefits of embryo transfer over C-section rederivation
- ET can also be combined with IVF & intracytoplasmic injection of sperm (ICSI) to overcome reproductive defects common in aged and GE mutant mice
- ET is more efficient because embryo donors are usually superovulated resulting in more offspring per female
- Embryos, ova, and sperm can be cryopreserved to reduce per diem costs, cage space
When is C-section rederivation still preferred over embryo transfer?
Certain GE rodents lines with fertility issues or whose embryos exhibit low viability in culture
Purpose of defined nonpathogenic bacterial cocktails given to ex-germfree animals
- Resist colonization by pathogenic microbes
- Normalize host physiology
- Stimulate the immune system
Cesarean-originated barrier-sustained (COBS)
Process for large-scale production of SPF rodents - gravid uterus pulled through disinfectant solution into sterile flexible film isolator where pups removed & suckled on axenic (germ free) foster dams - exposed to cocktail of nonpathogenic bacteria - transferred to barrier rooms
Alternatives to rederivation
Chemotherapy & Test-and-cull procedures
Chemotherapy as an alternative to rederivation
- Mainly used to cure or prophylactically treat pinworms & mites
- Avermectins (ivermectin, selamectin) & benzimidazoles (fenbendazole)
- Added to diet, drinking water, applied topically
Toxicity of ivermectin
When given to rodents with compromised BBB b/c of young age, genetic background, or GE mutations