Chapter 11 - Marketing What Isn't There Flashcards
Experience-based products that cannot be touched.
Pure Selling Approach
- An agent presents a client’s qualifications to potential buyers until he finds one who is willing to act as an intermediary.
- selling people
Product Improvement Approach
The agent works with the client to modify certain characteristics that will increase market value.
- Selling people
Market Fulfillment Approach
Agent scans the market to identify unmet needs and finds a person or group that meets qualifications and develops a new product.
- Selling People
Place Marketing
Marketing activities that seek to attract new businesses, residents, or visitors to a town, state, country, or some other site.
Idea Marketing
Marketing activities that seek to gain market share for a concept, philosophy, belief, or issue by using elements of the marketing mix to create or change a target market’s attitude or behavior.
Intangible products that are exchanged directly from the producer to the customer.
Characteristics of Services
- Intangibility
- Perishability
- Variability
- Inseparability
- Customers can’t see, touch, or smell good service.
- Can’t be inspected or handled before purchasing.
- A firm can’t store its services - a case of use it or lose it.
Capacity Management
The process by which organizations adjust their offerings in an attempt to match demand.
The inevitable differences in a service provider’s performances from one day to the next.
- Humans aren’t perfect, so service changes.
A service can only take place at the time the service provider performs an act on either the customer or the customer’s possession.
Service Encounter
The actual interaction between the customer and the service provider.
Eliminating the interaction between customers and salespeople so as to minimize negative service encounters.
The inclusion of a service with a purchase of a physical good.
Facility-driven Services Factors
- Operational Factors (move smoothly)
- Locational Factors (obtained at a fixed location)
- Environmental Factors (attractive environment)
Core Service
The basic benefit of having a service performed.
Augmented Service
The core service plus additional services provided to enhance value.
Service Encounter Dimensions
- Social Contact
- Economic Dimension
- Product Dimension
Internal Marketing
Marketing activities aimed at employees in an effort to inform them about the firm’s offerings and their high quality.
Search Qualities
Product characteristics that the consumer can examine prior to purchase.
- Color, smell, style, price, fit, and texture
Experience Qualities
Product characteristics that customers can determine during or after consumption.
Credence Qualities
Product characteristics that are difficult to evaluate even after they have been experienced.
Gap Analysis
A marketing research methodology that measures the difference between a customer’s expectation of a service quality and what actually occurred.
Critical Incident Technique
A method for measuring service quality in which marketers use customer complaints to identify critical incidents, specific face-to-face contacts between consumers and service providers that cause problems and lead to dissatisfaction.
Physical Evidence
A visible signal that communicates not only a product’s quality but also the product’s desired market position to the consumer.
5 Dimensions that successfully position a service
- Tangibles
- Reliability
- Responsiveness
- Empathy
- Assurance