Unless ATC specifically clears you otherwise, you are expected to fly to the _____ and execute the _____
Unless ATC specifically clears you otherwise, you are expected to fly to the IAF and execute the full instrument approach procedure as published
Do not execute a procedure turn or HILO PT in the following situations:
- When ATC gives you clearance for a ―Straight-in approach.
- If you are flying the approach via No PT routing
- When you are Established in holding, subsequently cleared the approach, and the holding course and procedure turn course are the same.
NOTE: This generally applies if you are already established at the minimum holding altitude. If you are in doubt as to what action the controller expects, query the controller.
- When ATC provides Radar vectors to the final approach course.
- When ATC clears you for a Timed approach. Timed approaches are in progress when you are established in a holding pattern and given a time to depart the FAF inbound.
There are three common methods for executing a procedure turn course reversal: the _____, the _____, and the _____.
There are three common methods for executing a procedure turn course reversal: the holding technique, the 45/180, and the 80/260.
Procedure for ther 45/180 reversal procedure:
To begin the reversal maneuver, turn 45° away from the outbound track toward the maneuvering side. Begin timing upon initiating the 45° turn; time for 1 minute (Categories A and B), then begin a 180° turn in the opposite direction from the initial turn to intercept the procedure turn course inbound.
Procedure for the 80/260 course reversal:
To begin the reversal maneuver, make an 80° turn away from the outbound track toward the maneuvering side followed by an immediate 260° turn in the opposite direction to intercept the inbound course.
When doing a entry on a procedual track what to do over the IAF?
When over the IAF, turn immediately in the shorter direction to intercept the published track.
On a procedual track over the IAF and decent is depicted, when to decent?
When a descent is depicted at the IAF, start descent when abeam or past the IAF and on a parallel or intercept heading to the procedural track course.
When on a procedual track where a teardrop is depicted, when to decent?
Do not descend from the turn altitude until you are established on the inbound segment of the procedural track.