sole supplier and has all market power
perfect competition
a lot of suppliers but no one has real market power
accepts the price for his product that is determined in the market by the forces of supply and demand
perfect competitor faces a perfectly elastic demand at the existing market price (only market structure to have this characteristic)
‘matching’ markets
markets where transactions take place without money
involves matching heterogeneous suppliers with heterogenous buyers
imperfect competition
there where the real world lies, in between if the extremes
there could be many large firms and many small organizations offering same products and services
there could be some different companies offering a solution to same problem or need, but by giving different products and services
we can differentiate imperfect competition from perfect competition by the characteristics of the demand curves they all face
Imperfectly competitive firms
face a downward-sloping demand curve, and their output price reflects the quantity sold
they have some influence on the price of the good
also that if they change the price they charge, they can expect demand to reflect this in a predictable manner
demand curve for the firm and industry coincide for the monopolist, but not for other imperfectly competitive firms
oligopolistic competition
market with a small number of suppliers
The home appliance industry is an oligopoly.
The prices of KitchenAid appliances depend not only on its own output and sales, but also on the prices of Whirlpool, Maytag and Bosch
Monopolistic competition
market with many sellers of products that have similar characteristics who may differentiated products
Monopolistically competitive firms can exert only a small influence on the whole market
the local Italian restaurant is a monopolistic competitor. Its output is a package of distinctive menu choices, personal service, and convenience for local customers. It can charge a different price than the out-of-neighbourhood restaurant
also face downward sloping demand
free entry and exit. There are no barriers to entry
normal profits are with long run equilibrium
Economic profits will be competed away by entry, just as losses will erode due to exit
Duopoly defines a market or sector with just two firms
can a sole domestic producer act the same way as defined earlier as a monopoly if he has international competition
nah boy
could be described as being part of an international oligopoly if there are small amount of international suppliers, such as bombardier and others
what is a critical determination in market structure
Size of the market (amount of demand) relative to cost structure of the industry)
what happens if q1 is small compared to long run Demand
basically, what happens when the minimum average cost output on LATC1 is there where q1 (smallest output per firm) is situated
it means that N1 (amount of suppliers) is large
firms only need to produce a bit of output (q1) to satisfy whole market Q (whole output)
outcome might be perfect competition
(N virtually infinite)
monopolistic competition
(N large with slightly differentiated products produced by each firm)
what happens when the minimum average cost output corresponds the the biggest LATC curve (LATC 2)
basically the curve that corresponds to the biggest output (q2)
(scale economies are needed cause this curve huge and it means expensive costs)
could be a monopoly with only one supplier
since economies of scale are needed, not enough resources can be exploited by all
its output (q2) is literally the whole market’s output (Q)
what happens when the minimum average cost output is there with LATC3
basically, what happens if the output (q3) needed is large, almost half of the whole market output (Q)
an give rise to oligopoly
with each firm producing more than q1 but less than a monopolies
what is market power
the influence that a firm or organization has on its market
the most important element in defining market structure
percentage of sales in the market thatis attributable to a small number of firms
Such a statistic is called a concentration ratio
in the Real world, can we define an industry as specific type of market structure such as perfect competition, duology or monopoly
nah boi
Canada’s brewing sector has two large brewers in Molson-Coors and Labatt, a couple of intermediate sized firms such as Sleeman, and an uncountable number of small boutique brew pubs
a large number of brewers satisfy one requirement for perfect competition, it would not be true to say that the biggest brewers wield no market power; and this is the most critical element in defining market structure
we could not define this market as a duopoly since there are countless others who, together, are important
N-firm concentration ratio
N = the amount of firms
sales share of the largest N firms in that sector of the economy
differentiated product
one that differs slightly from other products
all in the same market
why are demand curves not horizontal in a monopolist competition
different firms’ products are only limited substitutes
most will still stay with original firm they were with
why are there limits to economies of scale in a monopolistic competition
Firms are small and, with many competitors
individual firms do not compete strategically with particular rivals
what does the market share of each firm depend on in a monopolistic competition
on the price that it charges and on the number of competing firms
what happens to a shift in industry demand of monopolistic competition
also shifts the demand facing each firm
what attracts new firm to enter a monopolistic completion
free entry and the profits made by already established firms