Chapter 11: Hip Flashcards
What are the active ranges of motion for the hip?
- Flexion: 100-120 degrees
- Extension: 0-15 degrees
- Abduction: 30-50 degrees
- Adduction: 30 degrees
- Medial rotation: 30-40 degrees
- Lateral rotation: 40-60 degrees
What are the end feels for passive range of motion for the hip?
- Flexion: tissue approximation or tissue stretch
- Extension: tissue stretch
- Abduction: tissue stretch
- Adduction: tissue approximation or tissue stretch
- Medial and lateral rotation: tissue stretch
What is the Patrick’s (FABER) test?
Tests to see if the hip joint, iliopsoas or sacroiliac joint is affected.
With the patient supine place the patients leg so that the foot of the test leg is on top of the knee of the opposite leg (figure-4 position). Slowly lower the knee of the test leg towards the table.
The test is positive if the knee remains above the opposite straight leg.
What is the FADDIR test?
Tests for anterior labral tears, anterior-superior impingement and iliopsoas tendinitis.
With the patient in a supine position the examiner takes the hip into full flexion, lateral rotation, and full abduction. Then extend the hip combined with medial rotation and adduction.
The test is positive if there is any pain, clicking or apprehension.
What is the Weber-Barstow maneuver test?
Measures leg length asymmetry.
With the patient supine palpate the medial malleoli with the thumbs. Get the patient to raise their hips and then drop them back down. Passively extend the legs and compare the positions of the malleoli.
The test is positive if the malleoli are different levels.
What is the Ely’s test?
Tests for a tight rectus femoris.
The patient lies prone while the examiner passively flexes the patients knee.
The test is positive if the hip on the same side spontaneously flexes.
What is the Straight leg raise test?
Tests for lumbar radiculopathy.
Patient lies supine while the examiner passively raises their leg. If pain occurs lower leg until pain goes away and then passively dorsiflex the foot.
The test is positive if there is any pain
What is the Noble compression test?
Tests for iliotibial band friction syndrome.
Patients lies supine and the knee is flexed to 90 degrees along with hip flexion. Apply pressure with the thumb 1 to 2 cm above the lateral epicondyle. Patient extends the knee while pressure is maintained.
The test is positive if there is any pain around 30 degrees of flexion.
What is the Ober’s test?
Tests for iliotibial band contracture.
Patient lies on their side with the lower leg flexed at the hip and knee. The examiner passively abducts and extends the patients upper leg then slowly lowers the leg.
The test is positive if the leg remains in the air.
What is the Kendall test?
Tests for a tight rectus femoris.
Patient lies supine with the knee bent over the edge of a table. The patient draws one knee to their chest.
The test is positive if their leg that is hanging over the table starts to extend.
What is the Sign of the buttock?
Tests for possible ischial bursitis, abscess in the buttock, fracture or hip pathology.
Patient lies supine while the examiner performs a straight leg raise. When the patient cannot go any farther flex their knee to see if further hip flexion is possible.
The test is positive if there is no increase in hip flexion.
What is the Thomas test?
Tests hip flexion contracture.
The patient lies supine while the examiner flexes one knee to their chest and the patient holds this position.
The test is positive if the knee of the straight leg raises off of the table.
What is the Tripod sign?
Tests for hamstring contracture.
The patient is seated with both knees flexed to 90 degrees over the edge of the table. The examiner passively extends one knee.
The test is positive if the patient extends their trunk to relieve the tension.
What is the Scour test?
Tests the inner and outer structures of the hip. The femoral neck against the acetabulum, or pinched adductor longus, pectineus, iliopsoas, sartorius or tensr fascia lata.
The patient lies supine with the examiner passively flexes sand adducts the hip, Push an axial load through the femur. while maintaining the pressure move the hip into abduction.
The test is positive if there is any pain, catching and apprehension.
What are the lower body dermatomes?
- L1: lateral hip and groin
- L2: anteriomedial hip
- L3: medial aspect of the knee
- L4: medial lower leg and hallux
- L5: lateral lower leg and dorsum of the foot
- S1: lateral side of the foot
What are the lower body myotomes?
- L1/L2: hip flexion
- L3: knee extension
- L4: ankle dorsiflexion
- L5: big toe extension
- S1: ankle plantar flexion
- L5/S1: hip extension
- L5/S1: knee flexion
What are the lower body reflexes?
- L3: patellar tendon
- L5: medial hamstring
- S1/S2: achilles tendon