finely ground meal obtained by milling cereal grains, root crops or legumes
used mostly for bakery products because of its high gluten content
wheat flour
pigments on flour
graham or entire wheat flour, contains the original proportions of components of wheat flour
whole wheat flour
has 12-14% of protein, has more gluten than other flours
bread flour
a blend of soft and hard wheat flours
all purpose flour
10-11% of protein
all purpose flour
made from soft wheat, has 7-8% flour
cake flour
has 41% protein
gluten flour
flour mixtures proportion: 1:1
pour batter
flour mixtures proportion: 1:2
drop batter
flour mixtures proportion: 1:3
soft dough
flour mixtures proportion: 1:4
stiff dough
combines the wet ingredients in one bowl and dry ingredients in a second bowl before mixing together.
muffin method
capacity of the flour to hold gas is directly related to the ______ content
water-insoluble lipoprotein complex formed after kneading or mixing the flour with liquids
proteins that form the gluten complex
glutenin and gliadin
t/f: high protein = more gluten = strong flour
t/f: higher protein content, the less water needed
false, more water needed for hydration
t/f: sugar, fat, acid, and leavening agents delay gluten development
three principal leavening agents:
air, steam, carbon dioxide
it impedes hydration and delays gluten development
t/f: too much liquid weakens and disperses the gluten
t/f: too little liquid makes the dough stiff and tough
t/f: too much salt inhibits yeast activity
all flour is added at once without a preliminary fermentation period
straight dough
t/f: kneading causes cells to coalesce makes gluten lose
false, it’s overkneading
____ does not fully develop the gluten, resulting in a heavy compact crumb
the compound responsible for the nice aroma of baked bread
acetyl methyl carbinol
allowing shaped dough to rise again before baking
this occurs the first 5 minute of baking
oven spring
this is due to the acceleration of fermentation due to the heat, causing a rapid expansion of gas and rising of the dough
oven spring
breads that are leavened by air, steam, or co2
quick breads
dry ingredients are added alternately with the liquids
conventional method
all ingredients are dumped in the bowl and mixed together
one bowl method
t/f: at altitudes of 3000 ft above sea level, solid ingredients should be reduced and liquids should be increased
made with flour, shortening, water
flour mixture leavened by air, steam, and/or carbon dioxide that is produced by baking powder or baking soda
quick breads
contains a higher proportion of fat and eggs
refers to an assortment of rich flour mixtures that contain a relatively high proportion of fat to flour and a relatively low liquid content.
sift all dry ingredients, solid fat is cut into small particles in the flour mixture, liquid is added all at once, stirred to blend or if dough is gently kneaded, final product is flaky
biscuit method
dry ingredients sifted together, fat is cut into dry ingredients, liquid is added last
pastry method