Chapter 11 eating disorders Flashcards
eating disorders are defined as?
severe disturbances
in eating behaviors, such as eating too
little or eating too much
eating disorder diagnostic catagories are?
– Anorexia Nervosa
– Bulimia Nervosa
– Binge Eating Disorder
DSM-5 made what change in this section?
Adding binge eating disorder as a new diagnostic
category, rather than a condition in need of further
Eating disorders are a part of what group in the DSM-5
“Feeding and
Eating Disorders” group
what is PICA disorder?
eating non-food
substances for extended periods
what is Rumination disorder?
repeated regurgitation of foods
Anorexia Nervosa has three main components which are?
-Intense fear of weight gain/behaviours that limit weight gain
-body distortions of weight or shape (thinks they are fat when not)
Anorexia nervosa onset is usually?
early to mid teens
Anorexia nervosa affects more ____ than _____
affects more women than men
Anorexia nervosa can be triggered by?
stress and diet
Anorexia nervosa is usually comorbid with (women)?
depression, OCD, phobias,
panic, alcoholism, and PDs
Women are ____ more likely to develop anorexia nervosa?
Anorexia nervosa is usually comorbid with (men)?
substance dependence,
mood disorders, or schizophrenia
what are the suicide rates with anorexia nervosa (contemplating and completing)?
– 5% completing
– 20% attempting
what are the two subtypes of anorexia nervosa and what is the timeframe noted for each?
restricting (no binge/purge in last 3 months)
Binge/purge ( for previous 3 months)
what are the physical changes in anorexia nervosa?
Low blood pressure, heart rate decrease • Kidney and gastrointestinal problems • Loss of bone mass • Brittle nails, dry skin, hair loss • Lanugo – Soft, downy body hair • Depletion of potassium and sodium electrolytes – Can cause tiredness, weakness, and death
what are the death rates compared to the general population and compared with other psychiatric conditions?
Death rates 10x higher than general population
– Death rates 2x higher than other psychological
what is the recovery rate for Anorexia Nervosa and how long does it usually take?
50-70% eventually recover
– May often take 6 or 7 years
– Relapse common