Chapter 11 Discipline Flashcards
4 phases of progressive discipline system
- Clearly indicate in writing the nature of the problem and the impact of the employee’s performance or conduct on the organization.
- Provide the employee with a clear and unequivocal warning that failure to improve behaviour will result in discipline (up to and including termination).
- Establish through progressive discipline that the employee’s performance was still unacceptable despite repeated warnings.
- Demonstrate that discipline was applied in a fair and consistent manner
4 requirements when dismissing incompetent worker
- Employer must provide reasonable objective standards of performance in a clear and understandable manner.
- The employee must fail to meet those standards.
- The employer must have given the employee a clear and unequivocal warning s/he has failed to meet the standards, including particulars to the specific deficiency.
- The warning must clearly indicate the employee will be dismissed if s/he fails to meet the requisite standards.