Chapter 11-D Flashcards
Process of determining human resource needs and then recruiting, selecting, developing, motivating, evaluating, compensating, and scheduling employees to achieve organizational goals
Human resource management (HRM)
Employment activities designed to “right past wrongs” by increasing opportunities for minorities and women
Affirmative action
Discrimination against members of a dominant or majority group usually as a result of policies designed to correct previous discrimination against minorities
Reverse discrimination
Study of what employees do who hold various job titles
Job analysis
Specifies the objectives of the job, type of work, responsibilities and duties, working conditions, and the job’s relationship to other functions
Job description
Written summary of the minimal education and skills to do a particular job
Job specification
Set of activities for obtaining the right number of qualified people at the right time
Process of gathering information and deciding who should be hired, under legal guidelines to serve the best interests of the individual and the organization
Includes part time workers, temporary workers, seasonal workers, independent contractors, interns, and co op students
Contingent workers
Includes all attempts to improve productivity by increasing an employee’s ability to perform
Training and development
Activity that initiates new employees into the organization; to fellow employees; to their immediate supervisors; and to the policies, practices, and objectives of the firm
Training that lets employees learn by doing or by watching others for a while and then imitating them right at the workplace (also known as shadowing)
On the job training
Trainee works alongside an experienced employee to master the skills and procedures of a craft
Apprentice programs
Occurs away from the workplace and consists of internal or external programs to develop any of a variety of skills or to foster personal development
Off the job training
Classrooms with equipment similar to that used in the job so that employees learn proper methods and safety procedures before assuming a specific job assignment
Vestibule training (near the job training)
Use of equipment that duplicates job conditions and tasks so that trainees can learn skills before attempting them on the job
Job simulation
Process of training and educating employees to become good managers, and then monitoring the process of their managerial skills overtime
Management development
Process of establishing and maintains contacts with key managers in your own and other organizations, and using those contacts to weave strong relationships that serve as informal development systems
Corporate manager who supervises, coaches, and guides selected lower level employees by introducing them to the right people and generally acting as organizational sponser
Evaluation that measures employee performance against established standards in order to make decisions about promotion, compensations, training, or termination
Performance Appraisal
Plan based on job tiers strict pay range
Created by Edward Hay
Hay system
Sick leave pay, vacation pay, pension plans, and health plans that provide additional compensation to employees beyond base wages
Fringe benefits
Fringe benefits plan that allows employees to choose the benefits they want up to a certain dollar amount
Cafeteria style fringe benefits
Gives employees some freedom to choose which hours to work, as long as they work the required number of hours or complete their assigned tasks
Flex time plan
Period when all employees are expected to be at their job stations
Core time
Employee works full number of hours, but in fever than the standard amount of days
Compressed workweek
Two or more part time employees share one full time job
Job sharing
Activity set of institutions and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.
Process of learning as much as possible about present customers and doing everything you can over time to satisfy then or even to exceed their expectations with goods and services
Customer relationship management
Fundraising, public relations, special campaigns and ecological practices
Nonprofit marketing
What are the 4 p’s in marketing
Ingredients that go into a marketing program: products, price, place, and promotion
Marketing mix
Any physical good, service, or idea that satisfies a want or need, plus anything that would enhance the product in the eyes of consumers such as brand name
Process of testing products among potential users
Test marketing
Word, letter, or group of words or letters that differentiates one sellers goods and services from those of competitors
Brand name
All the techniques sellers use to inform people about and motivate them to buy their products and services
Analyze market to determine opportunities and challenges and to find the information they need to make good decisions
Marketing research
Information that has already been completed by others and published in journals and books or made available online
Secondary data