Chapter 11: Confounding and Obscuring Variables Flashcards
What is a design confound?
Alternative explanation due to poor experiment design
What is a selection effect?
Conditions have systematically different subjects
What is an order effect?
Only a problem in within-groups design, caused by order of levels presented
What is a one-group pretest/posttest design?
1 group where a pre/posttest is performed with no comparison groups
What is a maturation threat or spontaneous remission and how do you prevent it?
Improvement without known reasons, prevention by adding control group
What is a history threat and how do you prevent it?
External factor systematically affects most members, such as seasonal changes. Prevention by adding control group
What is regression to the mean and how do you prevent it?
Extreme scores are often less extreme when measured another time. This problem only occurs in groups that are measured twice and a group has an extreme score at pretest.
Prevention by adding comparison group
What is an attrition threat and how do you prevent it?
It becomes a problem when the dropout is systematic
Prevention by removing participants’ scores from pretest average too
What is a testing threat and how do you prevent it?
The behavior in participants change as a result of taking a test more than once. They can become more practiced or more tired etc.
Prevention by adding comparison group and by making it a post-test only design
What is an instrumentation threat and how do you prevent it?
Changes in measuring instrument over time due to e.g. observers and different pre/posttests.
Prevention by doing post-test only and otherwise making sure pre/posttest are equivalent or counterbalancing pre/posttest
What are four internal validity threats in any study?
1) Observer bias + effects
2) Demand characteristics
3) Non-specific threats
4) Placebo effects
How can you prevent observer bias/effect and demand characteristics?
Doing a double-blind study where participants nor researcher knows who is in which condition
If that is hard, you can do a masked design, where participants know in which group they are, but the researchers don’t
What is a non-specific threat and how can you prevent it?
If the effect is not due to treatment, but due to expectation to be treated
Prevention by doing a mixed factorial design with one waiting list group and the other group for treatment
What are placebo effects and how can you prevent it?
People only improve, because they think they receive valid treatment.
Prevention: double-blind mixed facorial placebo control design (basically just add a placebo group to mixed factorial with waiting list design)
What is a null effect?
If a confidence interval overlaps 0 or overlap completely between groups. There will always be a possibility that there is no effect