Chapter 11 Asia Pacific Flashcards
Dynamic Growth in the asia pacific region
Asia has been the fastest growing region in
the world for past three decades
Prospects for continued growth are excellent
Must overcome issues to reach full potential.
- Human rights and legal system major issues in China.
- Environmental decline associated with fast growth.
- Demographic disaster associated with one-child policy.
- Discrimination against those moving from rural to urban areas.
why did the japaneese growth slow in the 90s.
- Faulty economic policies
- Inept political apparatus
- Disadvantages due to global circumstances
- Cultural inhibitions
why did India HAVE poor economic growth
Growth constrained by traditional insular policies.
- Import substitutions and an aversion to free markets.
- Anti-business attitudes and widespread corruption.
what is indias five point agenda
- Improving the investment climate.
- Developing a comprehensive WTO strategy.
- Reforming agriculture, food processing, and small-scale industry.
- Eliminating red tape.
- Instituting better corporate governance.
India business environment
- High tariffs.
- Inadequate protection of intellectual property.
- Anti-business attitudes.
- Widespread corruption and bribery.
What does BOPMs stand for
Bottom of the pyramid markets
what is the BOPMs
4 billion people with annual income below $1,200
Historically ignored consumer group.
Markets now viewed as commercially viable.
market metrics for asia pacific
- North–south disparity is clear.
- Income of the Japanese dominates.
- Dearth of data for Bangladesh.
- Japanese health care system produces the
longest lifespans in the world.
mention three asian pacific trade agreements
- ASEAN+3.
Problems with ASEAN
- All members once had similar products and resources to export.
- Intra-ASEAN trade hampered; no demand for common products.
- Most early growth came from trade outside of ASEAN.
Four causes of vigorous economic growth for
members. (ASEAN)
- Governments’ commitment to deregulation,
liberalization, and privatization of their economies - Decision to shift economies from commodity based to manufacturing based
- Decision to specialize in manufacturing components
in which they have a comparative advantage - Japan’s emergence as a major provider of technology and capital
what is ASEAN +3
Created after Asian financial crisis of 1997– 1998.
- East Asia felt let down when the West did not help
during crisis. - Wanted to become more self-sufficient.
ASEAN members plus China, Japan, and South Korea.
what does APEC stand for
Asia- Pacific Economic Cooperation
About the APEC
Formed in 1989.
Includes all major economies around the Pacific Rim plus the U.S. and Canada
four unique regions in china
- Northeast China: industrial heartland
- Beijing-Tianjin IT corridor
- Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta
- Pearl River Delta