Chapter 11 Flashcards
not fail

Small Plaque Parapsoriasis
Primary Morphology and MC location in Small Plaque Parapsoriasis?
Hyperpigmented or yellowish red scaling patches, round to oval with sharply defined borders, 1-5cm
{MC gender = Male}
Digitate SPP morphology?
yellowish tan, elongated, fingerprint-like along cleavage lines on flank
Early stage small pages of cutaneous T cell lymphoma morphology seen in what dz?
large erythematous to purplish red lesions and poikiloderma
seen in SPP
What dz is SPP associated with?
SPP –> resolves once tumor is removed
Histopath of SPP?
type of spongiotic dermatitis
infiltrate in superficial dermis of lymphocytes
How do you treat SPP?
may be refractory to steroids alone!
phototherapy alone or in combo with steroids
{UVB, NBUVB, natural sunlight +/- steroids}
Other information about SPP?
- Rarely progresses to mycosis fungoides
- hypOpigmented varient may progress to hypOpigmented MF
- untreated rarely progresses to lymphoma

Confluent and Reticulated Papillomatosis
Primary morphology & location of CARP?
Intermammary & Upper lateral trunk
Slightly scaly macules that spread
White pts: skin colored, faintly red, hyperpigmented
Pigmented pts: hyperpigmented or nonpigmented with fine white scale
CARP symptoms and associated dz?
severe itching or asymptomatic
What is pseudoatrophoderma colli?
- Papillomatous, pigmented atrophic glossy lesions with delicate wrinkling
- assoc condition with CARP
- occurs on neck
CARP treatment?
Minocycline BID x 6 wks
Other treatments for CARP?
- oral fusidic acid
- clarithromycin, erythromycin, azithromycin
- amoxicillin
- topical mupirocin
- topical/oral retinoids alone or combined c topical lactic acid, urea, alcohol
- if assoc c PCOS = birth control pills

Pityriasis Rosea

Palmoplantar keratoderma
type - Keratoderma climactericum

Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris

Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris
- Gooseflesh
- Classic juvenile type = limited plaques on extensor surfaces with adjacent ‘nutmeg-grater papules’

Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris
What is the morphology of acrokeratoelastoidosis?
- Location : dorsal hands, knuckles, lateral margins of palms and soles
- Morph: small, round, firms papules
- translucent to erythematous papules at margins of the palms
What age does acrokeratoelastoidosis affect?
early childhood/adolescent in inherited cases and progress slowly
Sporatic or autosomal dominant
Acrokeratoelastosis is typically asymptomatic but can require a workup of __?
dermal elastorrhexis
*NO alteration of collagen or elastin
Morphology for collagenous and elastotic marginal plaques of hands?
slowly progressive lesions at the margins of the palms
Histopath for collagenous and elastotic marginal plaques of hands
thick collagen bundles admixed with elastic fibers and amorphous basiphilic elastotic material
*altered collagen & elastin
Morphology of Focal Acral Hyperkeratosis?
crateriform keratotic papules and plaques along the borders of hands and feet
marginal hyperkeratotic papules often with a central dell
on both hands & fingers
Who does Focal Acral Hyperkeratosis affect?
Autosomal dominant & sporatic forms
MC in AA
What is important to know about Focal Acral Hyperkeratosis?
- There is NO alteration in collagen or elastic on biopsy
- differs from [Acrokeratoelastosis] and [Collagenous and Elastotic Marginal Plaques of Hands] bc it lacks above mentioned underlying dermal changes
Who and where does Mal de Meleda affect?
- affects individuals from island of Meleda
- rare, autosomal recessive - NOT confined to palms - commonly found on extensor surfaces of arms
What lab findings are associated with Mal de Meleda?
- mapped to - Chromosome 8q
- mutations in - ARS component B gene
- mutations in - SLURP-1 gene
What is Nagashima- type Keratosis?
- nonprogressive
- autosomal recessive palmoplantar kd
- resembles [mal de meleda]