Chapter 11 Flashcards
What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic rewards?
Intrinsic - the personal satisfaction you feel when you perform well and achieve goal
Extrinsic - something given to you by someone else as a recognition for good work
What is scientific management?
Studying workers to find the most efficient ways of doing things and then teaching people those techniques
What are time-motion studies?
Studies of the tasks performed to complete a job and the time needed to do each task
What is the principle of motion?
Shows that every job could be broken down into a series of elementary notions
What did Elton Mayo’s Hawthorne Study reveal?
- Gave birth to the concept of human-based motivation
- Tested the degree of lighting associated with optimum productivity
- Productivity of the experimental group went up regardless of whether lighting was bring or dum compared to others doing the same work
- Researchers found that workers in the study though of themselves as a social group, felt more special and tried to stay in the group
What does the Hawthorne Effect refer to?
The tendency for people to behave differently when they know they are being studied
What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
- A theory of motivation that places different types of human needs in order of importance
1. Physiological - food, water
2. Safety - security
3. Social - acceptance
4. Esteem - recognition
5. Self-Actualization - potential
What were Frederick Herzberg’s motivating factors?
- Sense of Achievement
- Earned Recognition
- Interest in the work
- Opportunity for growth
- Opportunity for advancement
- Importance of responsibility
- Peer and group relations
- Pay
What is job enrichment?
A motivational strategy that emphasized motivating the worker through the job itself
What 5 characteristics that affect individual motivation?
- Skill Variety
- Task Identity
- Task Significance
- Authority
- Feedback
Explain Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Y
- Managers’ attitudes generally fall into one of two different sets of assumptions
Theory X
- the average person dislikes work and will avoid it
- workers must be forced, controlled and directed into achieving organizational goals
- primary motivators are fear and money
Theory Y
- most people like work
- most people work towards a goal
- some people seek responsibility
- people are motivated by a variety of rewards
What is goal setting theory and how does it improve employee performance?
Setting ambitious but attainable goals can motivate workers and improve performance
- By stretching the intensity of effort
- By giving employees clearer role perceptions
What is management by objectives (MBO)?
A system of goal setting and implementation that involves a cycle of discussion, review and evaluation
What is reinforcement theory?
Based on the idea that positive and negative reinforcers motivate a person to behave in certain ways
What is equity theory?
Deals with the idea that employees try to maintain equity between inputs and outputs compared to others in similar positions
What are direct costs of unhappy workers?
- Time and cost to hire replacements
- Costs related to on boarding