Chapter 11 Flashcards
Gods presence is seen in our world even more dramatically when…
A miracle occurs
A phenomenon that seems to have no natural cause and can only be explained as a direct intervention of God
Contain many examples of God’s miracles
Miracles were one way that Jesus taught truths about…
Himself, the kingdom and his members
Jesus’s miracles reveal he is the
Holy One
The miracles show that God has power over…
Nature, sin, sickness, Satan, death
Pain, weakness, suffering, and death are the results of
Original sin
When Jesus worked miracles for unclean people he showed
God’s law of love surpasses all human laws
When Jesus worked miracles for outcasts, sinners, and Gentiles he showed
God’s kingdom is open to all
Many people became followers of Jesus after
They saw him perform miracles
What was Jesus’s first miracle
Turning water into wine
In “wine overflowing” Jesus has power over
In “rising from paralysis and sin” Jesus has power over
In “stilling a storm” Jesus has power over
Sympathy for people who are suffering