Chapter 11 Flashcards
When does a group exist?
Where one company controls another company
What is power?
Existing rights that give the current ability to direct the relevant activities
What is a subsidiary?
An entity controlled by another entity
What is IFRS 10?
An investor controls an investee if, and only if, investor has all of the following elements:
Power over investee
Exposure or rights to variable returns from its involvement with investee
Ability to use its power over investee to affect the amount of investors returns
According to IFRS 10 what applies to consolidated Financial Statements?
P & S assets and liabilities combined in full
Goodwill recognised in accordance with IFRS 3
SC of group is only parents SC
Intra-group transactions eliminated
Uniform accounting policies must be used
NCI presented within equity
What shares do the NCI shareholders own?
Shares in subsidiary that are not owned by the parent entity
What are the two methods to calculate NCI at date of acquisition?
Fair value
Proportionate share of net asset method
What is goodwill?
Residual amount calculated by comparing value of subsidiary and FV of net assets at this time
What is the proportionate share of net assets method?
NCI measured by calculated NCI’s share of FV of subsidiary’s net assets at acquisition. This is added to cost of investment.
How is FV of NCI calculated?
Using market value of subsidiaries shares at date of acquisition
How do we record impairment loss in FV method?
Reduce goodwill by full amount of impairment loss (CR)
Reduce NCI balance held in equity by the NCI% of impairment loss (DR)
Reduce consolidated retained earnings by P% of impairment loss (DR)
How do we record impairment loss using proportionate share of net assets method?
Reduce GW by amount of impairment loss (CR)
Reduce consolidated RE by amount of the impairment loss (DR)
When may a residual amount exist?
Positive reputation
Loyal customer base
Staff expertise
What is deferred cash consideration?
Cash consideration which will be paid in future
DR Investments
CR Deferred consideration liability
What is fair value?
The price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at measurements date
What is contingent consideration?
Consideration that may be paid in the future if certain events occur or conditions are met
What should not be considered as part of consideration paid?
Directly attributable costs of acquisition
Provisions for future leases relating to acquired subsidiary
How do we record FV adjustments in the CSFP?
Adjust net assets at acquisition and reporting date
Reflect reporting date adjustment on the face of CSFP
What is contingent consideration measured at?
When is an asset identifiable?
Capable of being separated
Arises from contractual or other legal rights