chapter 1.1-1.3 Flashcards
Hobbes, Thomas (The Leviathan)
reality is harsh, in our natural state we are chaotic, we need an “absolute sovereign” to lead us
Locke, John (Second Treatise of Civil Government)
Natural Law (right to life, liberty, property), comes together to protect these rights using a social contract that forms government, can take power away from the government if they abuse it
Montesquieu, Baron de (The Spirit of the Laws)
Republicanism, checks & balances because “power corrupts absolutely”, popular sovereignty
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (The Social Contract)
forming a social contract in society that is government (giving away some of our executive powers and freedom to protect our fundamental rights), popular sovereignty
limited government
there are certain rights that the government can’t take away; the Constitution sets up the limited powers of the government
natural rights
rights that everyone is inherently born with (life, liberty, property)
popular sovereignty
“people power”, or rule by the people in a government (the people give power to the government, and they can take it away)
representative republic
collection of sovereign states gathered for national interest, needs, defense
the political belief that the best form of government is one in which citizens choose their representatives and leaders through free elections
Adams, John
founding father, federalist
Declaration of Independence
the founding document of the US
Franklin, Benjamin
main founder of the DOI, drafted and signed the Declaration of Independence
Hamilton, Alexander
founding father of the US, Federalist
Jefferson, Thomas
main author of Declaration of Independence, founding father, anti-federalist
Madison, James
founding father, Federalist