Chapter 11 & 12 Flashcards
What is the title of Chapter 11?
The Asia Pacific Region
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations Free Trade Area; a multinational trade group that evolved from ASEAN
The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation; a forum that meets annually to discuss regional economic development
Association of Southeast Asian Nations; a multinational regional trade group including Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam
A forum for ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations plus ministers from China, Japan, and South Korea
Bottom-of-the-pyramid markets (BOPM)
These consist of the four billion people around around the world with annual incomes of $1,200 or less per capita. They are not necessarily defined by national borders but are rather pockets of poverty particularly concentrated in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.
Four Asian Tigers
Refers to Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and South Korea as they fast achieved affluence in the 1980s and 1990s
Purchase Price Parity (PPP)
GDP at PPP corrects GDP for differentials across countries in costs of consumer purchases. The PPP correction allows for direct comparisons of the overall well-being of consumers across countries.
The Greater China
Refers to both the People’s Republic of China (PRC or Mainland China) and the Republic of China (Taiwan).
What is the title of Chapter 12?
Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization
Corporate planning
The formulation of the long-term, generalized goals for an enterprise as a whole
Direct exporting
The type of exporting in which a company sells to a customer in another country
A form of licensing in which the company (the franchiser) provides a standard package of branded products, systems, and management services to the franchisee, which in foreign markets has market knowledge. Franchising permits flexibility in dealing with the local market conditions while providing the parent firm with a degree of control.
Indirect exporting
A type of exporting in which a company sells to a buyer (importer or distributor) in the home country; the buyer in turn exports the product.
Joint venture
A partnership of two or more participating companies that join forces to create a separate legal entity
A contractual means by which a company grants patent rights, trademark rights, and the rights to use technology to another company, often in a foreign market; a favored strategy of small and medium-sized companies seeking a foothold in foreign markets without making large capital outlays.
Strategic International Alliance (SIA)
A business relationship established by two or more companies to cooperate out of mutual need and to share risk in achieving a common objective
Strategic Planning
A type of planning conducted at the highest levels of management, dealing with products, capital, and research, and the long and short-term goals of a company.
Tactical Planning
A type of planning that pertains to specific actions and to the allocation of resources used to implement strategic planning goals in specific markets; also known as market planning; is generally conducted at the local level