Chapter 10-unit 3 Flashcards
- Define fading and give an example of it.
Fading is the gradual change over successive trials of an antecedent stimulus that controls a response so that the response eventually occurs TJ a partially changed or completely new antecedent stimulus.
Example; when learning to drive a car; a driving instructor is likely to provide fewer and fewer hints regarding traffic regulations.
- Define errorless discrimination training
Errorless discrimination training, sometimes referred to as errorless Learning, is the use of a fading procedure to establish a stimulus discrimination so that no errors occur.
- What is meant by a dimension of a stimulus? Give an example
A dimension of a stimulus is any characteristic that can be measured on some continuum. Fading occurs along dimesnsions such as stimuli, such as the pressure of a r acgere hand that fixes a child’s printing.
- ex. Disruptive, autistic children were placed in a smaller classroom, each with a personal teacher) and the classroom was enlarged. The dimensions in this case weee the number of children per teacher and the physical structure of the room.
- What do we mean by final target stimuli? Give an example.
The final target stimulus is the stimuli in the presence of which the target behaviour should occur in a fading program. It is important to select it so that the occurrence of the response to that particular Stimuli is is likely to be maintained in the natural environment.
Example: when Veronica was r acting Peter to respond to the question, “ what is your name?” She began by asking the question, then shouting the name. “Peter”. As Peter began to respond with his own name (and be reinforced) , Veronica gradually spoke softer until only mouthing others name and eventually not saying his name at all. The final target stimulus in his case is the question, “what is your name?”
- What do we mean by starting stimulus? Give an example.
A staring stimulus refers to similar that reliably evokes the desired behaviour in a fading program.
In true above example with Peter and Veronica, the starting stimulus was Veronica asking, “what is your name?” And shouting, “Peter!”
Important Note: shouting Peter is a prompt and what is your name is the final target stimulus but together they are the starting stimulus in this example.
- Define the four main categories of teacher behaviour prompts. Give an example of each.
A: physical prompts (aka physical guidance) consist of guiding the learning through touch (physically assisting the learner). Parents frequently use physical guidance to help their children Learn new behaviour such as holding their hands while teaching them to walk. beginning dancers , martial arts students and novice golfers often Find a guiding hand to be helpful.
Gestural prompts are certain motions that a teacher makes such as pointing to the correct cue or making signals directed to the learner we’ve without touching him or her. A teacher, for example might extend a hand in a palm- downward motion as a prompt fib children to talk softly.
Modeling prompts occur when the correct behaviour is demonstrated. A swimming coach might model the correct arm movements for the freestyle stroke for young swimmers.
Verbal prompts are verbal hints or cues (using words as hints or cues giving instructions). A driving instructor might use verbal prompts by telling be student driver to “check over your left shoulder before pulling out.” Parents frequently use verbal prompts when reaching their children how to dress themselves.
- Define within-stimulus prompt and give an example that is not from this chapter: does your example involve a teacher behaviour (aka instructor- behaviour ) prompt or an environmental prompt ?
A within stimulus prompt is a variation of the SD and the S delta to make their characteristics more noticeable and therefore easier to discriminate.
Example: while reaching someone a deke in soccer, it is often beneficial to start with a smaller ball that’s easier to work with the feet, then gradually up the size of the Bakke to the standard: the small ball would be a wiki i stimulus environment prompt (changing something already in place in the environment).
- Define extra/ stimulus prompt and give an example that is not for
This chapter. Does your example involve a teacher behaviour(aka instructor behaviour prompt or an environmental prompt?
An extra stimulus prompt is something that is add d to the environment to make a correct response more likely.
Example: as with the above soccer example, the instructor may talk the player through the deke saying something like “Pull the call backs with your right foot. Bed using your right foot, pass be calm behind your left foot in a forward direction” for instructor directions are an extra stimulus instructor behaviour prompt(instructor adding a non environmental stimulus)