Chapter 10: Trauma Flashcards
What is the primary survery of a multi-trauma pt?
1) Airway-assume injury to C spine
- Ascertain patency: FB in oral cavity, Facial/mandibular fractures, Laryngeal/tracheal fractures
- Ascertain for obstruction: Stridor, Voice change, blood/mucus in oral cavity, subcut crepitus, swellings in neck
- Jaw-thrust
- Clear airway of FB and secretions with Yanker Suction
- insert OPA/NPA
- Definitive airway(RSI, Cricothyroidotomy etc)
2) Breathing and Vent
- Expose neck and chest
- Determine rate and depth of resp with rapid auscultation
- Attach pulse oximetry
- Give NRM 100% O2 first. Consider the need for BVM if SaO2
(Continue on from primary survey of multi trauma pt)
- Attach ETCO2 if available
- Needle thoracostomy for pts with tension PTX(deviated trachea, distended neck veins, shock)
3) Circulation:
- Assess 4 things:
* Pulse(Carotid=60, radial=80)
* Skin colour and cap refill(1-2 seconds)
* BP
- Direct pressure on extern bleeding site
- 2 large bore IV cannula
- Draw blood for FBC, GXM, PT/PTT, U/E/Cr, ABG
- Vigorous IV Resus with 1-2 L of crystalloids or 1:1:1 Blood transx
- Urinary and NG tube insertion if no CI
4) Disability
- GCS(E,V,M) 13-15 mild HI, 9-12 mod HI, 3-8 sev HI
- Pupillary rxn to light and equality of size
5) Envmnt
- Completely strip pt
- Bair Hugger
- Warm fluids if possible
What is the secondary survey in multi-trauma pat?
1) AMPLE Hx(Allergies, Medications currently on, Past-medical hx, Last meal, Events leading up to incident)
2) Head and face assessment
-Lacerations/contusions/thermal injury
-CN nerves
-Re-evaluate pupils
-Hemotympanum/nasal leakage of CSF
3) Neck
-Tenderness, deformity, tracheal deviation, distended neck veins, use of accessory muscles
-Can clear C-spine based on criteria
3) Chest
Inspect, palpate, percuss, auscultate(IPPA)
-blunt trauma, use of acc muscles, breath and H sounds, crepitus
-Emed room thoracotomy not indicated in blunt trauma
4) Abdo and pelvis
-Rebound tenderness
-Bowel sounds
5) Log-roll and PR Exam
-Bony tenderness/deformity
-Anal sphincter tone
-Peri-anal sensation
-Rectal bleeding
-Prostate position
-Bony frag from pelvis
6) Limbs
-Pain relief
-Tetanus prophylaxis
-Apply pressure bandage
What is the definition of major burns requiring admn to burns centre?
1) Full thickness burns that >5% of BSA
2) Mixed partial and full thickness burns>20% in those aged 10-50
3) Burns invloving special areas such as eyes, face, ears, hands, perineum and feet
4) Inhalation injury
5) Circumferential burns of limbs/trunks
6) Electrical injury and chemical burns
7) Burns with co-existing Chronic med illness
What are risk factors suggestive of upper airway obstruction in burns?
1) Inspiratory stridor
2) Laryngeal edema on laryngoscopy
3) Swelling of buccal mucosa
4) Burns involving nose and mouth (sooty sputum)
5) Singed nasal hair and soot in nostrils
6) Burned tongue
7) Hoarse voice
What are 1st degree,2nd degree and 3rd degree burns?
1) Superficial burns are characterized by erythema, pain, absence of blisters
2) Partial thickness burns are painfully hypersensitive, weeping, wet,red,mottled appearance with blisters and swelling
3) Full degree burns are those that appear dark and leathery, translucent/waxy white. it appears red and does not blanch with pressure. Painless and gen dry.
What is the initial mgmnt of minor burns?
1) ABC
2) Remove all burning objects and accessories like jewellery
3) Cool burns using the 10-15 rule
-Within 10-15 mins of incident, 10-15 degrees of cool water and immerse pt or run water for 10-15 mins
4) Document burn size
5) Burns dressing
-Inner layer: Non-adherent opsite
-Middle: Cotton wool
-Outer: Plastic wrap and bandage
OR Cling film
6) Analgesia(NSAIDs and paracet)
7) If there are large and tense blisters, can aspirate. Otherwise, leave it alone
8) Antibiotic cream(silver sulfadiazine) only used if its full-thickness burns
9) Tetanus Immunization if indicated
What is the follow-up care of minor burns pt?
1) See in 24-48 hours
2) Presence of exudate seepage
3) Signs of infxn
- Serosang/pus-like discharge
- Inflamed wound margins
- Wound tenderness
- Fever and chills
4) Dressing changes every 48 hours
How is severity of burns assessed?
1) Location
2) Depth (1st/2nd/3rd)
3) Extent(Rule of 9)
What is the fluid mgmnt of major burns pts?
Ant pt with BSA>20% need IV Fluids
1) Parkland Formula
- Total vol replacement in first 24hrs=2-4ml/kg/% BSA
- Give 1st half over 8hrs
- 2nd half over 16hrs
- Start time=time of actual burn injury
2) Daily fluid reqm in normal avg person
What other adjunct mgmnt in major burns pt?
1) Pain Relief
- Opioids(IV Fentanyl 2-3ug/kg)
2) Do not use cold water on pt with extensive burns as it will cause hypothermia
3) Escharotomy for full-thickness circumferential burns
- end point is till fat layer
What other adjuncts can be performed after primary survey in multi-trauma?
1) Trauma series X ray(AP CXR, AP/Lateral C-spine, AP Pelvis)
2) FAST(Focussed Assessment with Sonography in Trauma)
- Subxiphoid/epigastrium(Heart)
- Left Hypochondrium(Splenorenal angle)
- Right Hypochondrium (Morrison pouch)
- Hypogastrium(POD/Rectovesical area)
What is the diff between HI and TBI?
HI is injury that is clinically evident
TBI is injury of the brain itself and is not always clinically evident
What are the 5 ‘H’s that increase the chance of secondary brain injury due to cerebral perfusion pressure?
1) Hypotension
2) Hypoxia
3) Hypercarbia
4) Hypoglycemia
5) Hyperthermia
What is the relation between skull fractures and HI?
Skull fractures with disorientation means 1 in 4 chance of having Intra cranial hematoma
What are the indications of Skull XR?
1) Mild HI with large boggy hematoma preventing palpation of underlying skull vault
2) A suspected radio-opaque FB in scalp lacerations
What do you look out for in SXR?
1) Linear/depressed skull fractures
2) Mid-line position of calcified pineal gland>3mm to one side suggests large intra-cranial hematoma
3) Air-fluid levels in sinus(including sphenoid—>basal skull #)
4) Pneumocephalus
5) Facial fractures
6) Fb
7) Diastasis of sutures
What are the indications of a CT head according to CT head rule?
1) GCS 13-15 +LOC, confusion, amnesia inclusion
2) Age>65
3) Vomitting>1
4) BoS # signs
5) Suspected open or depressed skull