Chapter 10 - Process, Project Surroundings and Public Outreach Flashcards
A declarant is the person on the project team who:
Is technically qualified to verify the information on the LEED credit forms and is authorized by the project administrator to sign the form
Credit Interpretation Requests (CIRs) are most likely used for what part of the LEED process?
Technical guidance for LEED credits
What statement is true regarding the LEED Scorecard?
There is one LEED Scorecard that can be used for any rating system
Innovation credits are not listed in the LEED Scorecard
The LEED Scorecard is organized by LEED category
The LEED Scorecard gives the project team the option of not earning prerequisites
The LEED Scorecard is organized by LEED category
Which of the following documents establishes the terms and conditions of the LEED Certification Program to which the building owner is bound? LEED certification Owner's project requirements Certification agreement Agent's authorit
Certification agreement
Which of the following impact categories is given the greatest weight in LEED?
Reverse Contribution to Global Climate Change
Which of the following are LEED impact categories?
Social Capital, Natural Capital, and Economic Capital
Natural Context, Infrastructural Context, and Social Context
Build a Greener Economy and Protect and Restore Water Resources
Reuse Dependence on Fossil Fuels and Create a Strong Sense of Place
Build a Greener Economy and Protect and Restore Water Resources
Which of the following would be classified as a soft construction cost?
Rental of a dumpster
Construction worker labor costs
Civil engineer consulting fee
Purchase of some steel
Civil engineer consulting fee
If a building has already earned LEED BD+C: New Construction certification what additional certifications could the building earn in the future? (Choose 2)
LEED for Neighborhood Development
LEED O+M: Existing Buildings
LEED BD+C: Core and Shell
LEED ID+C: Commercial Interiors
LEED LEED ID+C: Commercial Interiors
O+M: Existing Buildings
What should be used during all project phases to verify the green building goals are being met?
LEED Project Checklist
A multi-family building that is 3 stories tall would be certified under what rating system?
LEED Homes and Multifamily Lowrise
What is the maximum number of project administrators that can be assigned to a LEED project?
What factor impacts the cost of earning LEED-certification?
Square footage of the building
What rating system has a credit category named Smart Location and Linkage?
Which of the following appropriately refers to LEED’s system goals?
Prerequisites and Credits
Impact Categories
Impact Categories
What LEED developments address specific space types and international requirements?
LEED Rating System adaptations
Which of the following is an alternative compliance path to the International Green Construction Code (IgCC)?
ASHRAE 189.1
ASHRAE 189.1
How are the number of points a credit can earn in LEED determined?
Each credit is independently evaluated by USGBC within the seven impact categories
If a state has a green building code and a project team wants to pursue LEED certification:
The state building code requirements have precedent over the LEED requirements
What does the LEED Volume Program help with?
Cost-effective LEED certification on a volume scale
For which of the following are the ICC International Codes used?
- Establishing energy-efficiency guidelines for public buildings
- Providing minimum safeguards for people at home, at school, and in the workplace
- Guiding code officials about hazardous chemicals contained in building materials
- Defining minimum indoor air quality standards
Providing minimum safeguards for people at home, at school, and in the workplace
Performance periods are part of which LEED rating system family?
What are local ordinances?
A law usually found in a municipal code
What is an example of a construction hard cost?
Reporting on a building’s energy consumption over time
On-site renewable energy system
Payments received from recycled materials
Permit fees
On-site renewable energy system
Green Seal and Environmental Choice are third party standards for what products?
Cleaning products
Which LEED rating system has pre-certification?
LEED BD+C: Core and Shel
What can a project team do to reduce the need for pesticides?
Develop a coordinated program of non-chemical strategies
A project team is shrinking the building footprint to increase the amount of open space on a project. What impact category does this design decision support?
Protect, Enhance and Restore Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Which of the following should a green cleaning policy include?
- The replacement of Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) filters and the selection of low VOC materials, furniture, and finishes
- A waste stream audit of recyclable materials and instructions for calibrating indoor air quality sensors
- Measures to prevent against unwanted pests and the amount of waste to divert from the waste stream
- Standards for selecting products and technologies and certification of cleaning equipment
Standards for selecting products and technologies and certification of cleaning equipment
What components are included in the impact category for Reverse Contribution to Global Climate Change?
GHG Emissions Reduction from Building Operations Energy Use and GHG Emissions Reduction from a Cleaner Energy Supply
Which of the following are green building rating systems that exist in addition to LEED? (Choose 3)
Green Star ASHRAE WaterSense Green Globes BREEAM
Green Star
Green Globes
A telecom company is building a new ten-story office and data center. The office space will be on the top seven floors and the data center on the first three floors. Which of the following rating system would be best suited for the project?
LEED BD+C: New Construction
What LEED rating system addresses exterior site maintenance programs?
LEED O+M: Existing Buildings
Which of the following must occur before a project team pursues a LEED Interpretation?
The project must earn a LEED certification.
The project team must contact USGBC customer service.
A committee must review the request.
The inquiry must first undergo the project CIR process.
The inquiry must first undergo the project CIR process.
What steps would be included in the pre-design phase of a green building project? (Choose 2)
Review laws and standards
Develop a project schedule
Review material’s test data
Develop, test, and select green systems
Review laws and standards
Develop a project schedule
Before using graywater to irrigate a project’s landscape the landscape architect should review:
Local codes
Scope LEED-BD&C rating system:
LEED Building Design and Construction for:
- New Construction
-Multifamily above 8 stories
- Major Renovations ( Commercial and Institutional buildings) :
HVAC renovation
significant envelope renovations
major interior rehabilitation.
Scope of LEED- O&M rating system:
LEED Operation and Maintenance for:
- Existing buildings, no major renovations tho
- Little to no construction
- Implementation of sustainable practices:
water/energy use
environmentally preferred products and practices for cleaning and alterations
sustainable purchasing policies
waste stream management
ongoing IEQ
Scope of LEED - ID&C rating system:
Interior Design and Construction for Commercial Interiors
Scope for LEED-H rating system:
LEED for Homes
-single family homes and multifamily up to 8 floors
Scope of LEED-ND rating system:
LEED for Neighborhood Development
LEED rating systems adaptations are:
extensions of existing LEED rating systems that address specific types of spaces or requirements for international projects
What are the 5 LEED rating systems?
LEED- BD&C rating adaptations:
Core and Shell - has pre-certification Schools Retail Data Center Warehouses Hospitality Healthcare
LEED- ID&C rating adaptations:
Commercial interiors
Retail interiors
LEED- O&M rating adaptations:
Existing Buildings
Existing Schools
LEED- O&M goals and objectives:
-helps building operators and owner to measure operations, improvement and maintenance of the building
-the goal is maximizing efficiency of operation while minimizing environmental impacts
- applicable to existing buildings seeking LEED certification
- applicable to buildings previously certified with LEED BD+C
LEED - EB goals and objectives
- Whole building cleaning and maintenance issues: chemical use recycling programs exterior maintenance programs system upgrades
Scope of LEED- O&M rating system requirements:
- The project must be in occupancy state at leaste 12 months before the first submission for a review. This will apply for all perfomance periods
- performance periods are required where various building systems are measure over time
Selecting LEED BD+C: Data Center:
- only addresses whole building data centers >60%
- if data center is <60% of the building, then LEED BD+C should be used
O&M Green Cleaning Policy :
-intents to reduce chemicals that affect human health, building systems and finishes, and the environment
- The policy should include:
Green Seal or Environmental Choice standards for selection of cleaning products
Certification of cleaning equipment from the carpet and rug institute
O&M Integrated Pest Management:
- Develops a coordinated program of non-chemical strategies
- addresses problem before they occur- prevention steps
LEED-H rating adaptations:
-Homes and Multifamily low-rise
1-5 stories
-Multifamily midrise
6-8 stories
Which rating system product to use?
40/60 rule:
- if rating is appropriate for 40% or less of the project, then should not be used
- if rating is appropriate for 60% or more of the project, then it should be used
- if none of the above, address independently to pick rating
If a building has already earned LEED BC+C certification, what other certifications can earn in the future?
LEED Categories
- AE: awareness and education
- SLL: smart locations and linkage
- NPD: neighberhood pattern and development
- GIB: green infrastructure building
- SS,LT: sustainable sites, location and transportation
- WE: water efficiency
- EA: energy and atmosphere
- MR: material and resources
- EQ: environmental quality
- RP: regional priority credit
- ID: innovation design
LEED Volume Certifications:
To certify a large number of new construction projects that are prototype-based. Buildings can be in different locations
Which of the following statements are true of LEED?
- All prerequisites are required based on the rating system adaptation
- LEED categories differ depending on the rating system
- credits within each other offer potential project point, which determine the leed certification level
- registration is awarded when a project completes all LEED prerequisites
All prerequisites are required based on the rating system adaptation
- LEED categories differ depending on the rating system
- credits within each other offer potential project point, which determine the leed certification level
LEED’s impact categories:
- Reverse Contribution to Global Climate change
- enhance individual human health and well-being
- protect and restore water resources
- protect, enhance and restore biodiversity and ecosystem services
- promote sustainable and regenerative material resources cycle
- build a greener economy
- enhance social equity, environmental justice, and community quality of life
Impact category - Reverse contribution to global climate change:
GHG Emissions reductions from: -transportation energy use -materials use -embodied energy of water - cleaner energy supply Global warming potential reduction from non-energy related drivers
Impact category - Enhance Individual human health and well being:
-support occupant comfort and well being
protect human health from direct exposure to negative health impacts
-protects human health globally and across the entire built environment life cycle
Impact category - protect and restore water resources:
- water conservation
- water quality protection
- protection and restoration of water regimes and natural hydrological cycles
impact category - protect, enhance and restore biodiversity and ecosystem service
- local and global biodiversity, habitat protection and open spaces and land preservatives
- sustainable use and management of ecosystem services
impact category - promote sustainable and regenerative material resources cycle:
-move to cyclical, non-depleting material cycles
reducing negative environmental impacts thru the material life-cycle
impact category- build a greener economy:
- enhance value proposition for green building
- strengthen green building industry
- promote innovation and integration of green building products
- long term growth and investment opport.
- support local economies
impact category - enhance social equity, environmental justice and community of life
- provide affordable, equitable and resilient communities
- create a strong sense of place
- promote access to neighborhood completeness resources
- promote human rights and environmental justice
which is the impact category with more weight?
reverse contribution to global climate change
LEED certification process:
- project registration
- technical support/assistance
- building certification
Green Star rating system:
voluntary sustainability rating system for building in Australia.
Green Globes rating system:
online green building rating and certification tool used primarily in Canada and USA
BREEAM rating system:
Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method
- it is the world’s longest established method of assessing, rating, and certifying the sustainable buildings.
Codes vs LEED
- Local building codes have precedent over LEED
- Building codes are to protect public health, safety and general welfare related to the construction
International Code Council (ICC)
provides minimum safeguards for people at home at school and in the workplace