Chapter 10- Preventing Infection at Mucosal Surfaces Flashcards
Epithelial tissue that lines the respiratory, intestinal, and urogenital tracts and secretes mucus. Also includes the conjunctiva, lacrimal glands, salivary glands, pancreas, and lactating breasts. Mucosal epithelium communicates with the external environment and is the route of entry for most pathogens
The protective secretion produced by the mucosa. It is made of large glycoproteins, proteoglycans, peptides, and enzymes, which are produced by goblet cells in many internal epithelia. The glycopeptides are composed of polypeptide chains that are 10,000 amino acids in length.
Mucosa physiological functions
Gas exchange, food absorption, sensory activity (eyes, nose, mouth, and throat), and reproduction (uterus, vagina, breast). These functions require mucosal surfaces to be dynamic, thin, and permeable barriers to the interior of the body. These properties make the mucosa vulnerable to infection, but they have defense mechanisms
Secretory IgA
The dimeric form of IgA, which is present at mucosal surfaces. Produced by the plasma cells in mucosal tissues
Specialized defense mechanisms of mucosal surfaces (4)
- Mucus, enzymes, and antimicrobial peptides
- Normal microbiota
- Mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)
- Immune response- T and B cell responses
Characteristics of mucus
Mucus is viscous, which impedes microbes from accessing the internal environment. Glycosylation retains water to prevent dehydration. It also has a polyanionic (negatively charged) surface. It binds defensins, antimicrobial peptides, and IgA
Proteins that are 35-40 amino acids in length and are secreted by Paneth cells in the gut. They are produced constitutively and are effective against enteric bacteria and viruses. Defensins are considered amphipathic molecules that disrupt microbial membranes. Examples include the alpha defensins HD5 and HD6
GI tract
The GI tract is 30 feet long and is composed of the small and large intestine. The small intestine is responsible for nutrient absorption, while the large intestine is responsible for water absorption and waste transport. Bacteria (called commensal or normal flora) colonize the entire GI tract- there are greater than 750 species. They play key roles in digestion and mucosal immunity, and are required for normal immune system development
Microorganism-mediated protection in the GI tract
There are 3 parts, all with different bacteria- upper small intestine, distal ileum, and large bowel. The upper small intestine contains 1000 organisms per mL, and the distal ileum contains 10^5 to 10^8 organisms per mL. The large bowel contains mostly anaerobic bacteria, 10^10 to 10^12 organisms per mL. This region undergoes dynamic population growth and maintenance
Roles of commensal gut microbes (5)
- Synthesize metabolites
- Breakdown of food products
- Detoxification
- Block attachment and colonization of pathogenic microorganisms
- Required for functional development of secondary lymphoid tissues
Which metabolites are synthesized by gut microbes?
Gut microbes provide metabolic building blocks that can’t be made by human cells. One example is the menaquinone precursors used to make vitamin K (essential for blood clotting)
How do microbes assist with digestion?
Bacteria enhance the efficiency with which humans digest plant-based foods by providing enzymes that covert plant fibers, which are indigestible by human enzymes, into energy-rich metabolites. They create CAZymes- carbohydrate-active enzymes like dextran, plant degrading enzymes like cellulose, and play a role in the fermentation of polysaccharides
How do microbes assist in detoxification?
They convert toxic substances in food or secreted by pathogens into safe derivatives. This includes environmental pollutants
Development of the gut microbiota
Gut microbes are required for the functional development of secondary lymphoid tissues. They are first acquired at birth, traveling through the birth canal and consumed via breast feeding. Additionally, they are introduced with the introduction of solid foods into the diet
Germ-free mice
Mice with reduced microbiota. This leads to defects in intestinal lymphoid tissue and poor immune functions. This demonstrates how important gut flora is for immune system development
Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues (MALT)
Includes NALT (nasal), BALT (bronchus), and GALT (gut)
Waldeyer’s ring
A ring of lymphoid tissues around the entrance to the gut and airways, formed by the tonsils and adenoids. The ring is necessary because the mouth is a major entry point for microbes. The tonsils and adenoids can therefore become painful and swollen during infections. These organs are required for appropriate sIgA responses to vaccination- removal leads to poorer sIgA responses
Gut-associated lymphoid tissue
Consists of 2 compartments- inductive and effector. The inductive compartment is directly beneath the epithelium and is responsible for development of the adaptive immune response. Interactions between antigens, dendritic cells, and lymphocytes occur here. In contrast, the effector compartment is a residence for effector T cells, plasma cells, macrophages, and mast cells. Made up of the lamina propria
Lamina propria
The connective tissue underlying the epithelium and the lymphoid tissues in the gut
The small intestine acts as the major site of nutrient absorption because its surface is deeply folded into finger-like projections called villi. Villi have a large surface area for absorption. It is the part of the gut most heavily invested with lymphoid tissue
Peyer’s patches
Characteristic secondary lymphoid organs of the small intestines- they are organized GALT. The patches are integrated into the intestinal wall and are dome-like aggregates of lymphocytes which cause the wall to bulge out into the intestinal lumen. The patches vary in size and contain between 5-200 B cell follicles with germinal centers, interspersed with areas of T cells and dendritic cells
Why is the systemic immune response considered reactive? (4)
- Activation of tissue resident macrophages (PRRs and PAMPs)
- Released cytokines causes inflammation and recruitment of neutrophils, NK cells, and effector T cells
- Pathogen killed, but tissues are often damaged and disrupted
- Inflammation and immunity are suppressed to allow repair of damaged tissues
Why are mucosal immune responses considered proactive?
Mucosal tissues anticipate potential infections. They make continual adaptive responses to gut microbiota. They also have sIgA in the lumen and effector and memory T and B cells in the lamina propria to prevent infection. Inflammation is tightly regulated here, preventing tissue damage
How is inflammation regulated in the mucosa?
The macrophages in the intestine are not inflammatory, and Treg cells secrete IL-10 to suppress inflammation. Gut inflammation typically exacerbates infection and can cause chronic diseases, like Crohn’s.
Intestinal epithelial cells
These cells are very active in the uptake of nutrients and other materials from the gut lumen. They also have TLRs on their apical and basolateral surfaces, and NOD receptors in the cytoplasm. TLR and NOD receptor signals lead to activation of the transcription factor NFκB and formation of the inflammasome by NOD-like receptor P3
TLRs on intestinal epithelial cells
TLRs are located on both the apical and basolateral surfaces. On the apical surface, they allow intestinal epithelial cells to sense bacteria that overcome the defenses of the mucus and reach the epithelium. On the basolateral surfaces, the cells sense the invading bacteria that have penetrated the epithelium
NOD1 and NOD2 receptors
Located in the cytoplasm of intestinal epithelial cells. They detect components of bacterial cell walls
NFκB secretion and inflammasome formation lead to
The production and secretion of antimicrobial peptides (like defensins), chemokines, and cytokines like IL-1 and IL-6 by the epithelial cells. The defensins kill the bacteria, while chemokines attract neutrophils and other cells from the blood. The inflammatory response from these cells is quick and localized, and is usually sufficient to kill the pathogen
Chemokines in the intestine
During infection, chemokines attract neutrophils (via CXCL8), monocytes (via CCL3), eosinophils (via CCL4), T cells (via CCL5), and immature dendritic cells (via CCL20) from the blood
Intestinal macrophages
Intestinal macrophages populate the lamina propria and are the first line of defense against infection. These macrophages have a life span of only a few months and are replenished by monocytes arriving from the bloodstream. Intestinal macrophages maintain gut homeostasis- limit any potential tissue damage and leaking of microbes from the gut
How do intestinal macrophages develop?
They arrive in the gut as a functioning non-mucosal macrophage, but their functions are altered by TGF-β secreted by intestinal epithelium, stromal cells, and mast cells
Functions of intestinal macrophages (2)
- Perform phagocytosis
- Kill pathogens
What functions do intestinal macrophages not have? (6)
- No respiratory burst
- Activate naïve T cell (lack B7)
- Produce cytokines
- Perform functions of a professional APC
- Express FcRs for IgA and IgG
- Send signals to activate NFkB
M (microfold) cells
A specialized cell type in the intestinal epithelium, through which antigens and pathogens enter GALT (Peyer’s patches and lymphoid tissue) from the intestines. M cells do not have villi, their name comes from microfolds/ruffles on their surface
Role of M cells
M cells express receptors and adhesion molecules for microbial antigens. They have use endocytosis, phagocytosis, or transcytosis to deliver antigens to APCs such as dendritic cells and B lymphocytes. They also generate adaptive immune responses in the gut- effector T cells, and B cells differentiate into antibody secreting plasma cells
How do M cells carry out endocytosis? (3)
- Endocytic vesicle transports through cell
- Fuses with basolateral epithelial membrane
- Intraepithelial pocket in lymphoid tissue allows microbes and antigens to contact Dendritic cells, T cells, and B cells
Oral tolerance
The characteristic tolerance of the immune system for “foreign” antigens like food, when it is ingested into the GI tract
Which cytokine receptor do dendritic cells express?
Dendritic cells in the GI tract express CCR6, which is the receptor for the chemokine CCL20, produced by the follicle-associated epithelial cells. When processing antigens, dendritic cells secrete the immunosuppressive cytokine IL-10, which prevents any T cells that are activated by the dendritic cells from making inflammatory cytokines
How does oral tolerance occur?
In a healthy gut, antigens from food are transported through M cells and taken up by a subset of CD103-expressing dendritic cells in the lamina propria, which travel to the mesenteric lymph nodes. Then, the dendritic cells present the antigens to T cells, driving their differentiation to Treg cells that express the transcription factor FoxP3. These cells actively suppress the immune response to food antigens.
How do dendritic cells deal with microbes?
A commensal microorganism is treated as a pathogen if it breaches the epithelial barrier. Specific IgA antibodies are made against commensal species and secreted into the gut lumen to prevent infections by commensal microbes. In a healthy gut, small numbers of commensal species enter the GALT. Dendritic cells take up the microbes and present their antigens to MHC class 2 molecules
What is the purpose of dendritic cells presenting antigens to MHC molecules?
On activation and differentiation into CD4 TFH cells, helper T cells form cognate pairs with antigen-specific B cells that have also taken up microbes and are presenting the antigens to MHC class 2. This union drives the B cells to differentiate into plasma cells, which secrete pentameric IgM and then switch to secreting dimeric IgA. Therefore, IgA is made against gut microbiota species
Advantages and disadvantages of the M cell delivery system
Advantage- allows monitoring of the gut microbiota. Disadvantage- offers pathogens easy access to the tissues underlying the gut epithelium, when IgA has not been made against these pathogens
In the presence of infection, what is the function of dendritic cells?
Dendritic cells in the lamina propria and outside the organized lymphoid tissues become more mobile and capture pathogens independently of M cells. The dendritic cells move into the epithelium, or send processes through it that capture microbes and antigens without disturbing the integrity of the epithelium. Once they have obtained their antigen cargo, dendritic cells move into the T cell area of the GALT. Or, they can travel in the draining lymph to the T cell area of a mesenteric lymph node to stimulate antigen-specific T cells
How do the GALT attract lymphocytes?
Peyer’s patches and mesenteric lymph nodes release chemokines CCL21 and CCL19, which bind to chemokine receptor CCR7, expressed by naive B cells and T cells. The naive lymphocytes are induced to leave at blood at the high endothelial venules and enter the secondary lymphoid tissue
What happens if a specific antigen is not encountered in GALT?
The naive cells leave the tissues in the efferent lymph and recirculate. If lymphocytes find their specific antigen, they are retained in the lymphoid tissue. Dendritic cells present specific antigen to activate naive T cells, causing them to proliferate and differentiate into effector T cells- including TFH cells
What happens to effector T and B cells that are activated in Peyer’s patch?
They pass through the mesenteric lymph node to the thoracic duct, and then to the blood
Effector cells and the lamina propria
Effector cells gain access to the lamina propria via the blood. Here, their functions include CD8 killing, CD4 cytokine secretion, and IgA secreting plasma cells
Effector T cell homing
When antigen-activated T cells in mucosal lymphoid tissue become effector cells, which leave in the lymph and then populate mucosal tissue from the blood. Homing is mediated by integrin α4β7 on the effector T cell, which binds to MAdCAM-1 on the blood vessel. Naive lymphocytes that are activated in the GALT can then enter and function in other mucosal tissues, helping to defend all mucosal sites
How are effector T cells directed to home to the lamina propria?
Cells in the lamina propria increase their expression of CCR9, which binds to CCL25 secreted by the lamina propria cells. Once in the lamina propria, T cells express αE:β7, which binds to E-cadherin. This enhances the cells’ interaction with the gut epithelium.
Components of a healthy lamina propria (5)
- CD4 T cells
2, Plasma cells - Dendritic cells
- CD8 T cells (intraepithelial lymphocyte; IEL)
- Mast cells or eosinophils (rare)
When are neutrophils present in the lamina propria?
Neutrophils are present only during inflammation, infection, or other disease
Effector cells of the gut mucosa
The majority of the effector cells are T cells (both γδ T cells and αβ T cells). CD8 cells predominate in the epithelium and CD4 cells predominate in the lamina propria. The effector B cells are almost all plasma cells, which secrete either pentameric IgM or dimeric IgA
Intraepithelial lymphocyte
Distinctive types of CD8 T cell and γδ cell that are integrated into the epithelial layer of the small intestine. Intraepithelial lymphocytes are the products of antigen activation. They contain intracellular granules like those of CD8 T cells. They also express TCRs with a narrow range of antigen specificities, and have a distinctive combination of chemokine receptors and adhesion molecules
Fates of effector B cells
Effector B cells can either travel to the lamina propria and differentiate to plasma cells secreting IgM, or remain in the B-cell area of the GALT
What happens to B cells that remain in the B cell area of the GALT?
They undergo affinity maturation and isotype switch to IgA (requires TGF-β). After switching, the cells recirculate and travel to the lamina propria. High affinity, dimeric sIgA, which is dominant in mucosal tissue, has been produced, and delivered to the lumen surface by transcytosis. sIgA becomes attached to mucus, ready to trap bacteria
Where does dimeric IgA predominate?
It is the dominant immunoglobulin in tears, saliva, milk, and intestinal fluid/
Where does IgG predominate?
It predominates in secretions of the nose, lower respiratory tract, and male and female urogenital tracts. Monomeric IgG is transported via FcRn receptors. IgG selectively opsonizes virulent bacteria, and confers protection against systemic infection by GI
pathogens (E.coli, Salmonella typhi)
Secreted IgA function
sIgA has little capacity to activate complement or act as an opsonin. It limits the access of pathogens and commensal bacteria to the mucosal surface to avoid damage to tissues. Also removes pathogens and toxins from the lamina propria
IgA deficiency
Selective IgA deficiency is due to defects in isotype switching from IgM to IgA. However, people with this deficiency are generally healthy. Deficient infants receive secretory IgA from breast milk. With aging, other isotypes compensate for the loss of IgA- there is increased secretion of pentameric IgM and increased FcRn transport of IgG. Patients are susceptible to some bacterial lung infections and parasitic gut infections
Distinctive anatomical features of the mucosal immune system (3)
- Intimate interactions between the mucosal epithelia and lymphoid tissues
- Discrete compartments of diffuse lymphoid tissue and more organized structures such as Peyer’s parches, isolated lymphoid follicles, and tonsils
- Specialized antigen-uptake mechanisms provided by M cells in Peyer’s patches, adenoids, and tonsils
Mucosal immune system effector mechanisms (2)
- Activated effector T cells predominate even in the absence of infection
- Plasma cells are in the tissues when antibodies are needed
Mucosal immunoregulatory environment mechanisms (2)
- Dominant and active downregulation of inflammatory immune responses to food and other innocuous environmental antigens
- Inflammation-anergic macrophages and tolerance-inducing CD103+ dendritic cells
Strategies for evading host immune defenses (4)
- Suppression
- Hiding
- Molecular mimicry
- Parasites
How does suppression evade host immune defenses?
Suppression alters CD4 helper T cell responses and reduce antigen processing and presentation
How do pathogens “hide” from the immune system?
Viral latency is one example. Additionally, the polysaccharide capsule found in S. pneumoniae limits complement binding. Antigenic variation is another example- pathogens alter their surface antigens to avoid the adaptive immune response
Molecular mimicry
The sharing of antigenic determinants between the pathogen and the host. Induces anergy or autoimmunity. Pathogens can also use decoy cytokines and cytokine receptors
How do parasites evade the immune system?
Parasites like Trypanosomes utilize antigenic variation
Complement system
A cascade of 30+ proteins, which initiate innate and adaptive immunity. Extracellular pathogens are attacked by the deposition of complement protein C3b on its surface. This results in pathogen destruction through the formation of MAC. It also facilitates the process of phagocytosis, leading to microorganism degradation. Patients who are deficient for C3 are susceptible to encapsulated bacteria
A polymer structure of variable material, which varies by the bacterial species. For example, the capsule is a polysaccharide in S. pneumoniae and a sialic acid in N. meningitidis. The capsule aids to bacterial adhesion to surfaces
Capsule production inhibits
The deposition of C3b on the pathogen surface, by preventing the formation of C3 convertase. This decreases opsonization and MAC formation
Immunity against S. pneumoniae
S. pneumoniae strains differ in the structure of their capsular polysaccharides- there are 90 different serotypes. Antibodies that are made against one serotype do not protect against infection with another serotype. The pneumococcal vaccine contains purified polysaccharides from 23 serotypes
Antigenic drift
Point mutations in the HA and NA proteins (outer membrane proteins) in influenza virus. These mutations eliminate recognition by pre-existing antibodies and are the cause of seasonal flu epidemics
Antigenic shift
The reassortment of viral RNA segments between influenza viruses infecting the same cell, which creates a completely new virus. Antigenic shift arises when human and bird viruses infect pigs. Causes of flu pandemics
Parasites with part of their life cycle in mammals and part in insects. It is the cause of African sleeping sickness. Symptoms include relapsing fever, lymphadenopathy, and the sleeping sickness stage. This stage occurs when the parasite invades the CNS- causes behavior changes, apathy, fatigue, confusion, meningocephalopathy, and death
Trypanosomes antigenic variation
Trypanosomes have over a thousand genes that encode variable surface glycoproteins (VSGs). Only one VSG is expressed at a time, and gene conversion causes replacement of active VSG with a new gene. Infecting trypanosomes are a heterogeneous population for VSG. If the infection stimulates antibody production to dominant VSG, the infection is cleared. The selective pressure results in a minority expressing new VSG to become dominant, stimulating new antibody production
Bacterial superantigens
Stimulates a massive, but ineffective CD4 T cell response, involving 2-20% of the body’s CD4 T cells. Also causes excessive production of IL-2, IFN-γ, and TNF-α. Examples include S. aureus enterotoxin B and S. aureus toxic shock syndrome toxin
Superantigen interactions (3)
- The superantigen first forms a stable interaction with MHC class 2
- Binds to the beta chain of the TCR
- Binds to CD28 on the T cell to stimulate activation
Mechanisms of viral evasion of the host immune response (6)
- Virus sequestration – infect specific host cells; establish latency
- Blocking APC function – MHC I directed to cytosol for destruction.
- Cytokine evasion (fake receptors)
- Inhibition of apoptosis – viral upregulation or block degradation of Bcl (cell protein inhibits apoptosis)
- Evade NK cell mediated killing – disruption of MHC I by decoy molecules
- Avoid complement-antibody elimination – variation/hyper-variability antigenic determinants
Viruses with large DNA genomes. They establish latency in host cells (often nerve cells). Includes HSV1, HSV2, varicella zoster virus, CMV, and EBV
Viral latency
Few, if any, viral proteins are expressed during latency, so there are no viral peptides to be loaded onto MHC class 1 to stimulate CD8 T cells
How are latent viruses re-activated?
Reactivation may be caused by stress or a change in environmental conditions. It results in replication and production of peptides, as well as restimulation of viral-specific CD8 T cells. The cycle can be repeated many times throughout life, as with shingles and cold sores
CMV suppression of antigen presentation
CMV expresses 10 proteins that are known to interfere with MHC class 1 molecule’s ability to stimulate NK cells and CD8 T cells. The proteins stimulate degradation of MHC class 1 molecule, disrupt proteasome function, interfere with peptide transport by TAP, and retain MHC class 1 in the ER. They also have additional mechanisms to suppress NK cell activation