Chapter 10 - Place Mix Flashcards
What is a value delivery network?
A network composed of the company, suppliers, distributors, and, ultimately, customers who partner with each other to improve the performance of the entire system in delivering customer value.
What is a marketing channel?
Set of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by the consumer or business user.
What are 3 reasons that marketing channels are important?
- Channel choices affect other decisions in the marketing mix:
- Pricing, marketing communications - A strong distribution system can be a competitive advantage
- Channel decisions involve long-term commitments to other firms
How do channel members add value?
Greater efficiency
Match product assortment demand with supply.
Bridge, time, place, and possession gaps that separate products from users.
Help to complete transactions:
- Information
- Promotion
- Contact
- Matching
- Negotiation
Help to fulfill the completed transactions:
- Physical distribution
- Financing
- Risk taking
What is a channel level?
A layer of intermediaries that performs work in bringing the product and its ownership closer to the final buyer
The number of intermediary levels indicates the length of a marketing channel:
- Direct Channels
- Indirect Channels
Producers lose more control and face greater channel complexity as additional channel levels are added.
What are the 5 types of variety flows that connect channel members?
Physical Flow
Payment Flow
Information Flow
Promotion Flow
Flow of Ownership
What is channel conflict and its two types?
Occurs when channel members disagree on roles, activities, or rewards.
Types of Conflict:
- Horizontal conflict: occurs among firms at the same channel level
- Vertical conflict: occurs among firms at different channel levels
What is the conventional distribution channel?
Consist of one or more independent channel members
Each seeking to maximize its own profits
Often result in poor performance
Producer -> Wholesaler –> Retailer –> Consumer
What is the vertical marketing system (VMS)?
Producers, wholesalers, and retailers act as a unified system
One channel member owns, has contracts with, or has so much power that they all cooperate
Benefits should include greater control, less conflict, and economies of scale due to the size of the system
Producer, Wholesaler, Retailer –> Consumer
What are the three types of vertical market system (VMS)?
Corporate VMS
Contractual VMS
Administered VMS
Explain what is corporate VMS
Integrates successive stages of production and distribution under single ownership – channel ownership is established through common ownership
Coordination and conflict through regular organizational channels
What is contractual VMS?
Individual firms who join through contracts
Franchise organizations:
- Manufacturer-sponsored retailer franchise system
- Manufacturer-sponsored wholesaler franchise system
- Service-firm-sponsored retailer franchise system
What is administered VSM?
Leadership through the size and power of dominant channel members
Leadership could be manufacturer or retailer
What is horizontal marketing systems?
Companies at the same level work together with channel members
What is a multichannel distribution systems?
Occurs when a firm uses two or more marketing channels
What is disintermediation?
occurs when product or service producers cut out marketing channel intermediaries or when radically new types of channel intermediaries displace traditional ones
What are the advantages and disadvantages of multichannel distribution systems?
- Expanding sales and market coverage
- Tailoring channels to satisfy specific needs of diverse consumer segments
- Harder to control
- Generating more conflict
What are the 4 steps of channel design decisions?
Step 1: Analyzing Consumer Needs:
- Cost and feasibility of meeting needs must be considered
Step 2: Setting Channel Objectives:
- Set channel objectives in terms of targeted level of customer service
- Many factors influence channel objectives
– Nature of the company (size/financial position) and
its products
– Marketing intermediaries
– Competition
– Marketing environment
Step 3: Identifying Major Alternatives:
- Types of intermediaries refers to channel members available to carry out channel work.
- Number of intermediaries to use:
– Intensive distribution (convenience)
– Exclusive distribution (shopping)
– Selective distribution (Specialty/industrial)
- Responsibilities of each channel member
Step 4: Evaluating Major Alternatives
- Economic criteria
- Control issues
- Adaptive criteria
How should you design international channels?
Channel strategies should be adapted to the existing structures within each country.
Distribution systems can have many layers and a large number of intermediaries.
Government regulations can restrict distribution in global markets.
What are 3 channel management decisions?
Selecting channel members
Managing and motivating channel members
Evaluating channel members
Public policy and distribution decisions?
Exclusive distribution
Exclusive dealing
Exclusive arrangements (Canadian Competition Act) are legal as long as the parties:
- Do not substantially lessen competition or tend to create a monopoly
- Enter into the agreement voluntarily