Chapter 10: Ligaments And Tendons Flashcards
Suspensory ligament
Origin: palmar/plantar proximal cannon, distal row of carpals/tarsals
Insertion: Sesamoids, main extensor tendon
Function: support fetlock, energy return, weight bearing
Ligament of the ergot
Origin: ergot
Insertion: distal digital annular ligament
Function: vestigial
Radial (superior) check ligament
Origin: radius
Insertion: superficial flexor tendon
Function: prevent overstress of superficial flexor tendon
Subcarpal (inferior) check ligament
Origin: distal row of carpals
Insertion: deep flexor tendon
Function: prevent overstress of deep flexor tendon
Subtarsal check ligament
Origin: distal row of tarsals
Insertion: deep flexor tendon
Function: vestigial
Chondrocompedal ligament
Origin: distal P1
Insertion: collateral cartilages
Function: support collateral cartilages
Chondrocoronal ligament
Origin: collateral cartilages
Insertion: P2
Function: support collateral cartilages
Chondrotendinous ligament
Origin: collateral cartilages
Insertion: main extensor tendon
Function: support collateral cartilages
Chondroungular ligament
Origin: collateral cartilages
Insertion: P3
Function: support collateral cartilages
Transverse lamina (“T”) ligament
Origin: deep flexor tendon
Insertion: P2
Function: separate synovial sheath from navicular bursa
Superficial Sesamoidian ligament (“Y” or straight)
Origin: sesamoids
Insertion: P2
Function: rigidity of the fetlock
Middle Sesamoidian ligament (“V” or oblique)
Origin: sesamoids
Insertion: distal P1
Function: rigidity of the fetlock
Deep Sesamoidian ligament (“X” or cruciate)
Origin: sesamoids
Insertion: proximal P1
Function: hold sesamoids in position
Short Sesamoidian ligaments
Origin: sesamoids
Insertion: proximal P1
Function: hold sesamoids in position
Intersesamoidian ligament
Origin: sesamoid
Insertion: sesamoid
Function: forms groove for flexor tendons
Collateral Sesamoidian ligaments
Origin: sesamoids
Insertion: collaterally on distal cannon bone and proximal P1
Function: hold sesamoids forward in position
Palmar/plantar annular ligament
Origin: distal cannon bone
Insertion: distal cannon bone
Function: holds tendons against the joint when flexed
Proximal digital annular ligament
Origin: P1 and P2
Insertion: P1 and P2
Function: holds tendons against the joint when flexed
Distal digital annular ligament
Origin: P1 and P2
Insertion: P1 and P2
Function: holds tendons against the joint when flexed
Suspensory navicular ligament
Origin: collateral distal P1
Insertion: proximal edge of the navicular bone
Function: support navicular bone
Distal navicular (impar) ligament
Origin: dorsal navicular bone
Insertion: palmar/plantar P3
Function: support navicular bone
Axial pastern ligaments
Origin: distal palmar/plantar P1
Insertion: proximal palmar/plantar P2
Function: strengthen pastern joint
Abaxial pastern ligaments
Origin: distal palmar/plantar P1
Insertion: proximal palmar/plantar P2
Function: strengthen pastern joint
Interosseus ligament
Origin: cannon bone
Insertion: splint bones
Function: hold splint bones in position
Plantar ligament
Origin: calcaneus
Insertion: 4th Tarsal and MT4
Function: rigidity of the hock and energy return
Capsular ligaments
Origin: all synovial joints
Insertion: all synovial joints
Function: compose capsule to hold synovial fluid
Collateral ligaments
Origin: collaterally on proximal bone in synovial joints
Insertion: collaterally on distal bone in synovial joints
Function: strengthen joints and support of lateral movement
Lateral extensor tendon (thoracic limb)
Origin: lateral side of the proximal radius (lateral extensor muscle)
Insertion: lateral proximal P1
Function: aids in extending leg when the horse wants to bring the leg forward
Main extensor tendon (thoracic limb)
Origin: lateral epicondyle of the humerus (and main extensor muscle)
Insertion: dorsal aspect of lower leg, proximal P1, proximal P2, and the dorsal proximal area of P3
Function: extending the leg
Superficial flexor tendon (thoracic limb)
Origin: distal end of humerus
Insertion: bifurcates and attaches collateral distal P1 and collateral proximal P2
Function: flexed the leg to help propel the horse. Stay apparatus, energy storage and return, weight bearing.
Deep flexor tendon (thoracic limb)
Origin: medial epicondyle of the humerus and ulna
Insertion: semilunar crest on the solar surface of P3
Function: stay apparatus, weight bearing, energy storage, flexing the leg to propel the horse.
Lateral extensor tendon (pelvic limb)
Origin: proximal lateral tibia
Insertion: main extensor tendon
Function: aids in extending the hind foot and flexing the hock
Main extensor tendon (pelvic limb)
Origin: extensor fossa at distal end of femur
Insertion: proximal P1, proximal P2, and the extensor process of P3
Superficial flexor tendon (pelvic limb)
Origin: supracondyloid fossa of femur
Insertion: calcanean process, collaterally distal P1, collaterally proximal P2.
Function: flexes the digit and extends hock
Deep flexor tendon (pelvic limb)
Origin: proximal tibia and fibula
Insertion: semilunar crest of P3
Function: flex foot, extend hock, weight bearing, energy storage and return
Category 6: ligaments that do not fit into a category
1) Interosseus ligaments
2) plantar ligament
3) capsule ligaments
4) collateral ligaments
Category 5: pastern ligaments
1) axial pastern ligaments
2) abaxial pastern ligaments
Category 4: navicular ligaments
1) suspensory navicular ligament
2) distal (impar) navicular ligament
Category 3: annular ligaments
1) palmar/plantar annular ligament
2) proximal digital annular ligament
3) distal digital annular ligament
Category 2: sesamoidian ligamets
1) superficial (y or straight) sesamoidian ligament
2) middle (v or oblique) sesamoidian ligament
3) deep (x or cruciate) sesamoidian ligament
4) short sesamoidian ligaments
5) intersesamoidian ligaments
6) collateral sesamoidian ligaments
Category 1: exceptions of the bone-to-bone rule
1) suspensory ligament
2) ligament of the ergot
3) radial (superior) check ligament
4) subcarpal (inferior) check ligament
5) subtarsal check ligament
6) chondrocompedal
7) chondrocoronal
8) chondrotendinous
9) chondroungular
10) transverse laminae (T) ligament