Chapter 10: Intelligence Flashcards
what is a bias that is prevalent when it comes to identifying ones intelligence
the self enhancement bias, which is The tendency to judge one’s performance as better than the average without any evidence of special expertise or training.
What are practical and theoretical wisdom?
practical wisdom is the application of knowledge, or reasoning and theoretical wisdom is the understanding of the objective truth, or science
What is intelligence?
Intelligence is the ability to gain knowledge by learning and solving problems, and to use this knowledge.
What was the eraliest measure of someon’s intelligence?
The size of someone’s skull
What was the earliest measure of someone’s intelligence?
The size of someone’s skull
What did Galton think about intelligence?
He believed that people had a general intelligence (g) that was a product of heredity and was basically the ability to use owns senses/
What did Galton conclude from graphing the results he obtained from his tests?
Galton concluded, rather rashly, that since intelligence formed a normal distribution, it was biologically innate, like a person’s height.
how did galton measure intelligence?
He gave a series of tests that tested someone’s perceptual abilities and measured people physical characteristics, such as eye color, hair color . for example, ones ability to detect a difference in pitch and if one is unable to do then that means he is less intelligent
Were Galton’s measurements able to predict academic performance?
at alllll
Binet and Simon reated tests that reflected whihc three abilities
Direction is the ability to know what to do and how to do it. Adaptation is the ability to create strategies for implementing this knowledge and monitoring its progress (notice Aristotle’s distinction at work). Criticism is the ability to step back and find errors in one’s thinking.
Where did the first written intelligence test come from?
It was perfomed by binet and simon and was called the binet simon test. it was first written in french
How did Welsher fix the probelem from the stanford Binet test that IQ or intelligence seemed to go down after 16?
He created deviation IQ where instead of comparing mental age to chronological age, one would take a test and how they performed on it would be compared to the average score. so the deviation from the mean score became their IQ
Whats another word for eugenics?
Human evolution or social darwanism