Chapter 10: Host–Microbe Interactions and Pathogenesis Flashcards
Host Microbe Interactions
dynamic give and take
Normal Microbiota
colonize our skin, areas of the digestive, genital, urinary and respiratory systems; can help manufacture vitamins for us, compete with potential pathogens, promote immune system maturation; have mutualistic relations with us; disrupting it can compromise patients helath
disease causing microbes; have adaptations that allow them to interact with certain host tissues which are dangerous to the host
microbiota disruption; such as course of antibiotics kill off normal microbiota in gut which could allow C. Diff to fluorish and cause disease (bc it is normally present in small amts in the intestines)
Immune system recognizes our normal microbiota presence…
and it mounts a moderate response to it and normally balanced communication between the two that keep it from mounting a full blow immune response
Opportunistic Pathogens
agents of disease under certain circumstances; such as a weakened immune sys allows yeast infections
preferences of a pathogen for a specific host and even a specific tissue within the host; can change over time; most emerging pathogens expanded host or tissue range to become able to infect humans
ability of a microbe to cause disease
describes the degree or extent of disease that a pathogen causes
Virulence Factors
mechanisms pathogens overcome our defenses; such as features that help microbes adhere to host cells, invade host tissues etc
Virulence factors damage host cells by…
directly damaging host cells; provoking dangerious immune response (such as shock)
Virulence Factors are often linked to…
transmission; if you learn how a pathogen is transmittied you can often deduce the pathogens virulence factors; pathogens that are more easily transmitted from one host to a new host become more prevalent in populations
Basic Reproduction Number
or R-naught; is a measure of a pathogens transmissibility or contagiousness; if R0 is 2, then one infected person is expected to infect an average of 2 other people;
Effective Reproduction Number
more appropriate in epidemics and pandemics; Re values can change as host pathogen interactions change
Pathogens evolve new virulence factors…
through interacting with their environment and responding to the selective pressures
pathogen is still infectious but weakened; pathogens often become attenuated when grown in cell culture; lose virulence factors needed to cause disease; still infectious but reakened; do not cause disease in an immunocompetent host; sometimes used in vaccines
Infectious Dose- 50
ID50; number of cells or virions needed to establish an infection in 50% of exposed hosts; most infectious pathogens have a lower ID50; just because a pathogen is highly infectious do not mean it is dangerous/lethal
Lethal Dose- 50
LD50; amount of toxin needed to kill 50% of affected hosts that are not treated
ID50 and LD50 can change based on…
species affected, hosts immune fitness and route of exposure
molecules that generate a range of adverse host effects such as tissue damage and suppressed immune response; NOT a cell or actual pathogen
microbes that make toxins
toxins in the bloodstream
are a part of the cells; such as structure; produced when the cell is living and when dead (bc it breaks down); ex) LPS in gram negative bacteria is an endotoxin; if present in suffiecient quataties can cause septic shock
endotoxin in the blood stream
Endotoxins enter from…
localized infections, systemic infections, gram-negative microbiota being introduced where they do not belong, surgery complications
Treating Lipid Based Endotoxins
not readily neutralized’ no vaccines to protect against them; so it is necessay to ensure endotoxins are not spread in patient care
toxic; soluble proteins; affect wide range of cells; made by both gram positive and gram negative bacteria
Exotoxins are named…
based on the organism that makes it or the type of cells it targets
affect the nervous system