Chapter 10: History of Continents Flashcards
How old are the following:
Oceanic crust
Oceanic crust: <200 Mya
Continents: up to 4 Gya
Define shield and platform.
Sheld: exposed crystalline proterozoic basement.
Platform: proterozoic basement covered by < few km flat sediment.
Called shield because it looks like battle shield was stuck into ground.
What do basins and domes each do?
Basins: form reservoirs.
Domes: trap oil and gas
What geological features are in the North American cordillera?
Uplift and orogeny
Crustal Stretching
The process of mountain building
Farallon Plate
Age categories of tectonic provinces
Hadean (fiery)
Archeon (ancient)
Proerozoic (before/early life)
Phanerozoic (with life)
- Paleo (old) era
- Meso (middle) era
- Ceno-zoic (modern) era

Cratonic Keels
The strong, cool payer of lithospheric mantle material beneath a continental craton extends to a depth of more than 200 km. They are buyant.
S-wave velocity structure
100-175 km depth
Kimberlite Mines
Where diamonds form at very high pressure (>150 km depth)
Must rise quickly or will convert to graphite
Accreted Terrains
Addition to the edges of cratons through tectonics
Continental crust formation
Collision of volcanic arcs and oceanic plateau to form larger crustal fragment
Accretion and types
A process by which material is added to a tectonic plate or a landmass. This material may be sediment, volcanic arcs, seamounts or other igneous features.
- accretion of a buoyant fragment to a continent
- accretion of an island arc to a continent
- accretion along a transform fault
- accretion by continental collision and rifting
A land mass transported to the NW coast of North America from 5000 km away. Much of western North America is made up of exotic terrains accreted over the past 200 million years.
The WIlson Cycle
The tectonic processes that continue to break apart and rebuild continents through opening and closing of dynamic seas.
Non-tectonic vertical deformation of continents
Cooling and heating of lithosphere
Weight of accumulating sediments or glacial ice
Glacial rebound
The weight of a continental glacier downwarps the continental lithosphere, which rebounds once the ice is removed.
Heating of lithosphere
Upwelling of mantle material causes uplift and thinning of the continental lithosphere.