Chapter 10 Haemoglobin And Porphyrins Flashcards
Haemoglobin is a tetrameric allosteric protein . What does it mean??
A tetrameric allosteric protein refers to a protein that consists of four subunits and exhibits allosteric regulation.
Allosteric regulation means that the binding of a molecule to one site on the protein can affect the activity or function of another site on the protein.
Normal conc. of heme in males and females?
Molecular weight of hemoglobin and myoglobin?
In males:
In females:
Molecular weight:
Haem contain globin, the ____ part and heme the ____ part?
Globin - apoprotein
Heme - non-protein (prosthetic group)
Globin consists of _____ polypeptide chains?
In adult hemoglobin HbA1?
Number of amino acids?
•2- alpha chains —141 amino acids
•2- beta chains—-146 amino acids
Total Amino acids in HbA1;
The 4 subunits of hemoglobin ar held together by?
Non-covalent interactions:
Hydrogen bonds
Each subunit has a heme group
Structure of heme?
protoporhyrin IX
A Porphyrin molecule with iron at centre.
Protoporphyrin consists of;
4 pyrrole rings
To which, are attached:
1. 4 methyl
2. 2 proponyl
3. 2 vinyl groups
Heme is a common prosthetiv group present in cytochromes in certain enzymes eg?
2.Tryptophan pyrolase
3.Chlorophyll (Mg2+)
About 80% of heme syntheis occurs in?
And the remaining in?
- Erythroid precursor cells in bone marrow
- Liver
What are erythroid cells?
Erythroid cells are the precursor cells that develop into erythrocytes, which are mature red blood cells.
Why mature erythrocytes don’t synthesize heme?
Because they dont have mitochondria or nucleus
Heme synthesis occurs in mitochondria or cytosol?
Partly in both:
1st step: ALA synthesis in —mitochondria
And last 3 steps: involving oxidase enzymes—–mitochondria
Rest in: cytosol
What are the 4 major most important events in heme synthesis?
- Porphobilinogen synthesis (PBG)
- PBG —–to—- uroporphyrinogen
- Uroporphyrinogen —-to— protoporphyrinogen IX
- Incorporation of iron
Pnemonic for steps of heme synthesis?
Some. Great.
Succinyl coA + Glycine
|. (ALA synthase)
|. (ALA dehydratase)
| (U synthase-I)
| (U synthase-III)
|. (U decarboxylase)
| (Co-oxidase)
Protoporhyrinogen-IX (III)
| (Pro- oxidase)
| (ferrochelatase)
1.The coenzyme for ALA synthase in the 1st step for heme synthesis is?
- ALA synthase is inhibited by?
1.Pyridoxal phosphate (PLP)
- Lead
Deficiency of enzymes ALA synthase and ALA dehydrogenase lead to?
1.Deficiency of enzyme uroporphyrinogen-I synthase leads to?
- Treated by?
- Caution?
1.Acute intermittent porphyria
- Administration of hematin (inhibits enzyme ALA synthase and the accumulation of PBG)
- Avoid drugs (e.g, barbiturates) that induce synthesis of **cytochrome P450)—– due to increased activity of ALA synthase —— accumulation of PBG +ALA
Congenital eryhthropoeitic porphyria is caused due to deficiency of which enzyme?
Uroporphyrinogen-III synthase
Deficiency of enzyme Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase leads to?
Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
Which is the most common porphyria?
Porphyria cutanea tarda
Deficiency of enzyme coproporphyrinogen oxidase leads to?
Heridity coproporphyria
Deficiency of protoporphyrinogen oxidase leads to?
Variegate porphyria
Deficiency of ferrochelatase leads to?
Protoporhyria also known as erythropoietic protoporphyria
What is porphyria?
Porphyrias are a group of rare genetic disorders that affect the production of heme, a component of hemoglobin.
-enzymes that code for heme synthesis are affected
- characterized by increased exctertion of porphyrins or porphyrin precusors
. It can cause a variety of symptoms, including ;
•abdominal pain,
•skin sensitivity to sunlight,
•neurological issues,
• psychiatric symptoms.
Porphyrias are either inherited or acquired, classified into?
2 categories;
Enzyme deficiency in eryhthrocytes
Enzyme defect in liver
All porphyrias are Autosomal dominant disorders, except?
Congenital eryhthropoetic porphyria ( autosomal recessive)
What is meant by autosomal dominant disorders?
Autosomal (defects on genes which are present on non-sex chromosome——-can be inherited from both parents equally) dominant disorders are genetic conditions caused by a mutation in one copy of a gene. These disorders can be passed down from one generation to the next and can be expressed even if only one copy of the gene is affected.
Disorder due to deficiency of ALA synthase?
X-linked sideroblastic anemia
What are the 6 porphyrias?
1. Acute intermittent (U- I synthase)
2. Porphyria cutanea tarda (U-decarboxylase)
3. Heriditary coproporphria (Coproporphyrinogen oxidase)
4. Variegate porphyria (Protoporphyrinogen oxidase)
4.Congenital eryhthropoeitic porphyria (U-III cosynthase)
5.Protoporphyria (eryhthropeitic protoporphyria) (ferrochelatase)
Why neuropsychiatric disturbances occur in acute intermittent porphyria?
Due to reduced activity of Tryptophan pyrrolase (due to low heme level) ——- accumulation of tryptohan & 5-hydroxytryptamine
1.In acute intermittent porphyria, there is increased excretion of?
2. And the urine of patient gets darkened on exposure to air due to?
3. When It is usually expressed?
- Porphobilinogen and d-Aminolevulinate (PBG & ALA)
- Conversion of porphobilinogen to porphobilin and porphyrin
- After puberty
Why patients of acute intermittent porphyria Not photosensitive?
Because the enzyme defects occur prior to formation of uroporphyrinogen
What are the main symptoms of acute intermittent porphyria?
- Abdominal pain
- Neuropsychiatric symptoms
All 6 types of porphyrias have photosensitivity as their symptom except?
Acute intermittent porphyria
Which disease is also known as vampire/were wolves disease? And why?
Porphyria—-causes photosensitivity
When block is below uroporphyrinogen
Uroporphyrinogen—- converts into porphyrin rings—- Under UV light—- excited—- Reactive oxygen spaces are created—- lysosomal damge—-lysosomal enzymes—– skin lesion—- disfigured face (werewolf/vampire appearance)
Patient of Congenital erythropoeitic porphyria & Porphyria cutanea Tarda show fluorescent appearance of teeth under UV rays —-Eryhthrodontia( red or reddish-colored teeth)
Photosenisitivity is due to accumulation of?
Symptoms of congenital erythropoeitic porphyria?
1.Increased hemolysis
2. Photosensitivity
Porphyria cutanea tarda is also known as?
Cutaneous hepatic porphyria
1.________ is the most common clinical manifestation of porphyria cutanea patients?
2. _____ exhibits fluorescence due to concentration of accumulated porphyrins
3. Increased excretion of ____?
- Cutaneous photosensitivity
- Liver
- Uroporphyrins I & III
Patients of which porphyria show the same clinical manifestations as in acute intermittent porphyria?
Heriditary coproporphyria
(Abdominal pain, neuropsychiatric symptoms, photosensitivity)
Reticulocytes (young RBC) and skin biopsy show red fluorescence in which porphyria?
_________ accumulates in tissues and is excreted in urine & faeces in protoporphyria?
Protoporphyrin IX
All the intermediates accumulate in body and are excteted in ?
And which intermediates is not produced due to deficency of protoporphyrinogen oxidase?
Variegate porphyria
Protoporphyrin IX
Acquired (toxic) porphyrias is due to exposure of body to.
- Heavy metals —- e.g lead
- Toxic compounds— hexochlorobenzene
- Drugs—- e.g griseofulvin
1.Administration of ______ can be used in the treatment of certain cancers by phototherapy?
2.Cancer phototherapy is mostly carried out by adminsitering____?
1.Porphyrins bcz tumor take up more porphyrins than normal tissues
When tumor exposed to argon laser—— porphyrins get excited—- produce cytotoxic effect on tumor cells
- Hematoporphyrin
ALA dehydratase is a _____ containing enzyme?
The 4 pyrrole rings in porphyrins are interconnected by ______ bridges derived from a-carbon of glycine
Methylene -CH2-
The activity of ALA synthase is ______ by administration of drugs? Name those drugs that are metabolized by heme containing protein cytochrome P450?
And why?
- Increased
(Phenobarbital, insectiside & carcinogen) - Bcz on administration, the heme level decreases as heme gets incorporated in Cytochrome, so ALA synthesis increases
Porphyrins are cyclic compounds composed of ____ p
rings held together by ____ bridges
- Heme is an _____-containing porphyrin
Chlorophyll is a________ containing porphyrin
- 4 pyrrole rings
- Methylene bridges
- Iron
- Mg+2
What are the types of porphyrins?
Type I Porphyrins
When substituent group on 8 positions—–symmetrical
2.Type III Porphyrins
When substituent group on 8 positions—–asymmetrical
-more common
-Type IX porphyrins
E.g Uroporphyrin-III
— order of substituent group is revered (P,A instead of A,P)
1.About ______ g of hemoglobin is broken down per day and resynthesized?
2. Life span of erythrocytes?
- 120 days