Chapter 10: Executing the Law Flashcards
Gubernatorial Elections…
always partisan, always contested; incumbent advantage is a real phenomenon for modern governors
Governorships are Growing in Power
state governments playing larger roles; executive branch leadership is pertinent experience bc it’s composed of full-time, professional, experienced, and media loves a face – focuses on key personalities
Governor’s Career
governors are often more politically ambitious than other state and local officials; not everyone can become president, so those who remain in public service often seek other gov’t promotions (appointment to federal cabinet, run for US senate, appointment as federal judge)
2 Components of Gubernatorial Power
institutional and personal
Institutional Component of Gubernatorial Power
given by states constitution; weaker than expected in TX
Personal Component of Gubernatorial Power
varies with the person and circumstance; stronger than expected in TX
Institutional Power Types
appointment, Tenure Potential, Managerial, Fiscal, Legislative
Appointment Power Type
power to choose other statewide executive officials; key factor in determining “strength” of governor position in each state; TX among weakest: state constitution requires many statewide positions be elected instead
Tenure Potential Power Type
ability to remain in office, including any re-election restrictions, vary widely across states (length of terms, max # of consecutive terms, max # of non-consecutive terms)
Managerial Power Type
oversight of administration, coordination, executive orders direct agents in executive branch, reorganization (of executive branch), timing of appointments
Fiscal Power Type
in 48 states, governor supervises preparation of budget; not so in TX – has weakest fiscal influence
Legislative Power Type
all governors SIGN bills or can VETO them, TX governorship is above average: has line-item veto, too-frequent or heavy-handed use of veto has been used in past to paint TX governors as poorly skilled in politics
What Enables Governors “to get stuff done” DESPITE Institutional Limits?
dependent on personality and political skills; especially important for institutionally “weak” governorships
Key Statewide-Elected Leaders
Lieutenant Governor, Comptroller, Land Commissioner, Agricultural Commissioner, Attorney General
Lieutenant Governor
widely accepted as most powerful government position in TX, elected separately, most powerful legislator (4yr. term, appoints senate committees, assigns senate bills to committees: determines bills’ future)