Who set the rules and regulations for dose limiting?
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
____ risk associated with exposure to ionizing radiation is the basis for effective dose limiting system
What are the organizations that make recommendations or evaluate relationships to dose and biologic effect and formulates risks?
What is the ICRP?
occupational and public dose limits since 1928
What is the NCRP?
sets goals for Radiation Protection
What is the UNSCEAR?
United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, evaluates human and environmental exposure to radiation from many sources
What is the NAS/NRC-BEIR?
studies on early radiation workers, atomic bomb victims of Hiroshima/Nagasaki, evacuees from the Chernobyl nuclear power station disaster, review studies of biologic effects of ionizing radiation and risk assessment
What are the US Regulatory Agencies that enforce standards?
What is the NRC?
Nuclear Regulatory Commission - production of radioactive substances, in agreement states the NRC assumes responsibility of entering radiation protection regulations through health departments, in non-agreement states both the state and NRC enforce regulations
What is the EPA?
environment protection agency, protecting health of humans and safeguarding the environment (radon)
What is the FDA?
US food and drug administration, regulate design and manufacturing of electronic products like x-ray equipment
What is OSHA?
Occupational safety and health administration, monitoring agency for employment, enforces employee “right to know”
What is the purpose of the Radiation Safety Program?
delegating operational funds in the budget, overseeing the development of policies and procedures, provide the equipment needed for starting and continuing the program
What are the functions of the Radiation Safety Committee?
provide guidance for the program, facilitates ongoing operation of the program, selects a qualified person to serve as a radiation safety officer
What are the duties of the Radiation Safety Officer?
oversee daily operations of radiation safety program, ensures facility’s radiation practices are adequate, implement and enforce policies of the program, they are to develop the program, protect workers from unnecessary exposure, review and maintain radiation monitoring records, provide counseling for individuals receiving doses in excess of allowable limits
What is the Radiation control for Health and Safety Act of 1968
protect the public from the hazards of unnecessary radiation exposure resulting from electronic products and diagnostic x-ray equipment, act caused CDRH (Center for Devices and Radiologic Health) to be established under the FDA