Chapter 10 Bursa/Bone Marrow- Derived Cells (B-cells) Flashcards
Where do B cells mature in birds?
Bursa Fabricus (BF)
In mammals early events of B cell development begin where?
Bone Marrow or Peyers Patches
When immature leaves the Bone marrow or Peyers Patches where do they go?
Immature B cells leave these organs and complete their maturation in the spleen before recirculating to seed all the peripheral lymphoid organs.
Does B cell Lymphopoiesis occur throughout life?
Yes, though it gradually decreases in numbers with age.
B-cells constitute how much or recirculating pool of lymphocytes?
Are B cells short lived or long lived?
short lived
Are memory B cells short lived or Long lived?
Long lived
What does the BCR complex consist of?
IgM and IgD and two invaient proteins that are disulfide linked to eachother (Ig alpha(CD79) and IgBeta(CD79b))
All BCRS recognize only a single antigen, which is known as?
Since BCRs have a short cytoplasmic tail who transduces the signals to the B cell nucleus?
CD79 molecules
which are also required for the surface expression of IgM and IgD
The gene family on chromosome 14 codes for what? and consist of what?
Ig heavy chain
consist of 200Vh 30Dh 6Jh and 9Ch
Gene family on chromosome 2 codes for and consist of?
K chain
consist of 100 Vk 5Jk 1Ck
Gene family on chromosome 22 codes for and consist of?
lamda chain
consist of 100V 6J 4C
If the first rearrangement of the chain is nonproductive what happens?
Then it proceeds to the second allelic chromosome
In recombination of the IgH chain if both alleles undergo no-productive recombination what happens?
the developing B Cell cannot produce antibodies and undergoes apoptosis.
The production of mature RNA requires what?
Both recombination of DNA segments and splicing of primary RNA transcript.
Translation of the u Heavy chain mRNA leads to the production of what?
u protein
The production of a u protein triggers what?
IgL chain gene rearrangement
IgL chain rearrangement begins with what?
the k light chain, if the rearrangement is successful and functional k light chains are synthesized, irreversible inhibition of lambda gene segments occur.
If non functional rearrangement occurs with K and lambda chain what happens?
the B cell undergoes apoptosis.
What mechanisms account for B cell diversity?
Somatic recombination of multiple germline gene segments
Junctional diversity, Base deletion and N-nucleotide additions
Who expresses TdT?
the pro-B cell only during the stage of IgH gene rearrangement
what chain shows N-region diversity?
IgH chain
What do Bone marrow stromal cells make?
Why is IL-7 so important?
it is important for T and B cell maturation.
What does the Progenitor B cell express?
IgAlpha (CD79a) and IgBeta(CD79b)
what does the Precursor B cell continue to express and what activity does it terminate?
continued expression of RAG-1 and RAG-2 and termination of TdT activity.
In the synthesis of the IgM heavy chain the heavy chain pairs with what?
pairs with the surrogate light chain
Where is heavy chain and surrogate line chain pairs expressed at?
on the Pre-B cell surface in association with the IgAlpha and IgBeta molecules to make the BCR
Signals generated through the Pre- B cell receptor are essential for?
Continued development of pre-B cell