Chapter 10 Axial and Lateral Resolution Flashcards
The ability to distinguish two structures lying close together front-to-back or parallel to the sound beam is called?
Longitudinal, Axial, Range, Radial, or depth resolution
Accuracy in imaging is called what?
What are the units of axial resolution?
Measured in mm or any other unit of distance
Axial resolution is related to what?
Spatial pulse length
Synonyms for axial resolution?
LARRD: Longitudinal Axial Range Radial Depth
The sonographer _________ change axial resolution?
In clinical imaging, axial resolution ranges from _____ to _____mm.
0.1 to 1.0 mm
What is the relationship between the numerical value of the axial resolution and the image quality?
The image quality is better when axial resolution has a lower numerical value.
Lower numerical values of axial resolution indicate?
Shorter pulse
Shorter pulses create more ___________ images?
What is the mathematical description of axial resolution?
Axial resolution(mm) = spatial pulse length (mm)/2
Axial resolution (mm) = (wavelength (mm) * # of cycles in pulse)/2
In soft tissue: Axial resolution (mm) = (0.77 * # of cycles in pulse)/ frequency (MHz)
What allows some transducers to have better axial resolution than others?
Axial resolution is determined by the pulse length, with shorter pulses yielding improved axial resolution
A short pulse is created in what two ways?
- Less ringing
2. Higher frequency
A pulse is short if there are few cycles in the pulse, just like a train is short if there are few cars in the train. This is known as?
Less ringing
What is one way to reduce ringing?
Dampen the crystal after it has been excited by an electrical signal from the system
A pulse is short if each cycle in the pulse has a __________ wavelength.
Shorter wavelengths are characteristics of _____________.
Higher frequency sound
Pulses made of higher frequency cycles have ____________ axial resolution.
Better axial resolution is associated with the following:
- shorter spatial pulse length
- shorter pulse duration
- higher frequencies (shorter wavelengths)
- fewer cycles per pulse (less ringing)
- lower numerical values
Which of the following transducers has the poorest axial resolution? A. 1.7 MHz and 4 cycles/pulse B. 2.6 MHz and 3 cycles/pulse C. 1.7 MHz and 5 cycles/pulse D. 2.6 MHz and 2 cycles/pulse
C. This is the longest pulse. It has the lowest frequency and the most ringing (more cycles/pulse)
Axial resolution is ________ in transducers with the highest frequency and the fewest numbers of cycles per pulse.
The ability to distinctly identify two structures that are very close together when the structures are side-by-side, or perpendicular to the beams main axis
Lateral resolution
This answers the question: what is the minimum distance that two structures, positioned side-by-side, can be apart and still produce two distinct echoes on an ultrasound image?
Lateral resolution
What are the units for lateral resolution?
Units of mm, cm, or any unit of distance
Lateral resolution is determined by?
Width of the sound beam
Narrower beams have ______ resolution.
How does a sonographer improve image resolution?
Adjust depth; beam diameter varies with depth
Synonyms for lateral resolution?
LATA: Lateral Angular Transverse Azimuthal
Lateral resolution is best at the ______.
The mathematical relationship for lateral resolution is?
Lateral resolution (mm) = beam diameter (mm)
Which type of resolution is better in clinical imaging systems: lateral or axial resolution?
Axial resolution because pulses are shorter than they are wide
When two reflectors are closer side-by-side than the beam width, what will be observed?
One reflector
With regard to resolution, what are the advantages of using a high frequency transducer?
Axial resolution is improved due to its shorter pulses
Lateral resolution is improved due to its pulses diverging less in the far field
What are the three methods of focusing?
- External focusing - with a lens
- Internal focusing - with a curved active element
- Phased array focusing - with the electronics of the ultrasound system
Which focusing technique(s) can be used with single element transducers? Array transducers?
Single element transducers = external and internal focusing
Array transducers = phased array focusing
External and internal focusing techniques are both called what?
Fixed focusing
Conventional focusing
Mechanical focusing
What is a limitation to fixed focusing?
Focal depth and the extent of focusing cannot be changed
What four things happen to a beam when it is focused?
- Beam diameter in near field and focal zone is reduced
- Focal depth is shallower
- Beam diameter in the far zone increases
- Focal zone is smaller
In regards to sound beams, continuous wave frequency is determined by?
Electrical frequency from ultrasound system
In regards to sound beams, pulsed wave frequency is determined by?
Thickness of ceramic and speed of sound in ceramic
In regards to sound beams, focal length is determined by?
Diameter of ceramic and frequency of sound
In regards to sound beams, beam divergence is determined by?
Diameter of ceramic and frequency of sound
In regards to sound beams, lateral resolution is determined by?
Beam width