Chapter 10 Flashcards
what are the pigs doing
power has become absolute and they rule like masters like jones once did, they control language and thought on their farm so completey that their animals consider themselves free citizens animalism has been rewritten
whats ironic about the pigs
they began wanting to kill humans now seek friendly relations with nearby farmers, animal farm suggests that all totalitarian governments are fundamentally the same because their leaders have one goal and that is to maintain power by exploiting individuals particularly the lower class
what don’t the animals do
they are naive and incredulity
don’t take their chance to rebel, they are back to where they started, enslaved by oppressive leaders
orwell explores how after a revolution the new leaders have a natural tendency to mimic old one and adjust principles slowly to revert back to the old structure.
whats has the time passing done
few animals can recall a different type of society , the current political regimes become normalised and inequality has become natural
what does the changing phrase suggest
reiterates how the animal farm society is founded less on prinicples and more set on empty terms that can be manipulated at will
what does the new law mock
mockery of the term equal and it epitomises perfectly how the pigs have manipulated the word throughout the text . the phrase makes explicit what they have been doing all along , manipulating language and ideology to suit their own ends
what does simplifying a complex set of ideas do
distilling complex ideas into a singular highly ambiguous phrase gives the pigs great freedom to interpret the laws as they wish
what does the animals cheating and man cheat show
regimes like the USSR is an unending greed even once acquired a position of wealth and power
quote showing no retirement
no animal had ever actually retired
quote showing the animals didn’t question
accepted everything
quote showing they didn’t know
they could not remember
2 quotes showing the pigs breaking the rules
walking on his hand legs
he carried a whip in his trotter
2 quote showing the new phrases
four legs good two legs better
all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others
quote showing the farm is worse
did mark work and received less food
quote showing the name changed
correct and original name
quote showing man and pigs
impossible to say which was which