Chapter 10 Flashcards
Early church tradition favors that apostle John wrote his Gospel in _____
The ______ ______ of John tends to prove that the gospel was not written late in the second century
Ryland Fragment
_____ died as a martyr long before the time of the writing of the gospel of John
The synoptic gospels mention only the last Passover, when Jesus died, but John mentions at least 3 pass overs during Jesus ministry which lasted
3 or 3 1/2 years
Preeminently,John writes to engender or encourage _____
Cephas is Aramaic for the Greek name Peter and both mean _____ or _____
Changing water into wine at Cana symbolizes; _____________
The replacement of Judaism with christianity
The Greek noun wind and spirit both stand for the ______ of the Holy Spirit in causing rebirth to occur
Jewish custom is to eat ____ meals a day
Jesus healed the man at Bethsaid/Bethesda, whose sickness may be symbolic to of the _____ years of Israel’s wandering in the wilderness
The gathering of leftovers symbolizes _______________
Jesus loosing none of those people whom the father has given
During the first seven days of the _____ __ _____ priests bring water in a gold vessel
Festival of tabernacles
The Greek word often translated as; comforter, counselor, and advocate is_____
In the Old Testament a _____ symbolizes Israel
The _____ of branches that do bear fruit represents the cleansing of true believers, and ongoing cleansing after initial conversion