Chapter 10 Flashcards
Soft cost
Losing employees are even greater
Loss of intellectual capital, decrease morale of remaining workers, increase employee stress,….)
Used to describe employees level of motivation, passion and commitment
KEY function of managers
Motivation the right people to join the organization and stay
Intrinsic reward
The personal satisfaction you feel when you perform well and complete goals
Extrinsic reward
Something given to you by someone els as recognition for your good work. Eg pay increase, praise and promotions
Scientific management
Studying workers to find the most efficient ways if doing things and the teaching people those techniques
Time motion studies
Begun by Frederick Taylor
Which task must be performed to complete a job and the time needed to do each task
He also believed workers would perform at a high level of effectiveness, if they received high enough pay
Principle of motion economy
Developed by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth
Every job can be broken down into series of elementary motions [called therblig, they analyzed each motion to make it more efficient]
Hawthorne effect
The tendency for people to behave differently when they know they are being studied
Motivation and Marlow’s hierarchy of needs
Theory if motivation based on unmet human needs from physiological needs to safety needs
1 physiological: food water shelter
2 safety: feel secure at home and at work
3 social: to feel loved, accepted, part of group
4 esteem needs: for recognition and acknowledgement from other for self-respect and a sense of status or importance
5 self-actualization: develop to one’s fullest potential
Herzberg’s motivation factors
- sense of achievement
- earned recognition
- interest un work itself
- opportunity for grow
- opportunity for advancement
- importance of responsibility
- peer and group relationships
- pay
- supervisor’s fairness
- company policies and rules
- status
- job security
- supervisor’s friendliness
- working conditions
Herzberg two motivation factors
Motivator factors
Job factors that cause employees to be productive and that give them satisfaction
Hygiene (maintenance) factors
Factors that can cause dissatisfaction if missing but that do not necessarily motivate employees if increased
McGregor’s theory X
Theory X
- dislike work, must be forced
- be directed, and avoid responsibility
- little ambition and wants security
- motivators: money and fear
McGregor’s theory Y
- Work is as natural part of life
- prefer limited control and direction
- work toward goals and are committed
- rewards are unique to that person
- Seek for responsibility and proper work conditions
- perform better non-intimidating workplace
Ouchi’s Theory Z
Type A, American culture, focus on individual rights and achievement
Type J, Japan culture, focus in trust and intimacy within the group and family
Type Z, organization as a family that fosters cooperation and organization values
- employee involvement key for productivity
- employee control is implied and formal
- share responsibility and decision-making
- work in environment that foster trust and cooperation
- need guaranteed employment and will accept slow evaluations and promotions