Chapter 10 Flashcards
What are the 3 ways to participate in international business?
- Foreign trade.
- Foreign contractual relationships.
- Foreign direct investments.
Why is foreign trade the most common way to participate in international business?
It requires the lowest level of resource commitment and has the lowest business risk (the risk of loss or gain due to
economic variables, such as product demand and market competition).
What does Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) do?
Enforces economic and trade sanctions established
by US foreign policy and security goals.
How does the US regulate imports?
a. tariffs–taxes assessed on imported goods;
b. quotas–limits on the amount of imported goods;
c. licensing–mandatory business license that sets the terms on which goods are imported, rather than letting competition negotiate the terms;
d. prohibited imports–goods that are illegal to import and sell.
Which body governs governs the formation and execution of international contracts for the sale of goods.
The United Nations Convention of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)
What are the four methods of payment?
a. cash in advance–funds on deposit before receipt of goods,
b. open account–rotating charge account that the buyer settles at set intervals,
c. draft–written order by the first party (drawer) to the second party (drawee) to pay a third
party (payee), and
d. letter of credit (LOC)–bank instrument that authorizes the seller to withdraw up to a specified amount from the buyer’s pre-established bank account.
What does product licensing do?
grants another firm the right to manufacture one’s product or to use its distribution facilities or technology.
What are three reasons a firm might license its products?
a. It is not economically feasible to sell its product in the second country due to labor costs, transportation costs, and/or regulations.
b. The firm does not have the time or resources to sell its product in the second country.
c. The firm lacks knowledge about the second country’s legal, political, social, and/or business environments.
How does franchising work?
One firm (the franchisor) grants another firm (the franchisee) the right to supply its product within a designated market. The franchisor retains control over the use of its image and name and ensures standardization of its good or service.
Why might a firm chose foreign direct investment over trade?
to overcome transportation costs, language barriers, cultural differences, tariffs, quotas, and/or political issues.
What are two types of foreign direct investment?
Joint Ventures
What is a subsidiary?
A stock-issuing company owned or controlled by another. A fully-owned subsidiary provides the highest level of control over operations, but presents the highest level of business risk, commitment of resources, and managerial control.
What are the characteristics of joint ventures?
shared ownership, responsibilities, and management of foreign ventures.
What are three theories why firms enter foreign markets?
- Resource seekers–look for resources such as oil and low-cost labor.
- Market seekers–look for markets that cannot be served by exporting.
- Market followers–such as insurers following their clients and clients’ exposures overseas.
What are the three stages in a civil-law case?
a. The preliminary stage–The parties submit pleadings. A hearing judge is appointed.
b. The evidence stage–The hearing judge takes evidence and prepares a written summary of the proceedings.
c. The decision stage–The presiding judge decides the case based on the report from the hearing judge and the counsel’s briefs and arguments.
This type of law uses a written legal code with a magistrate who acts as the final arbiter of private law disputes. The court relies heavily on appointed experts who investigate the evidence.
Roman-French Law
This type of law uses a legal code designed for interpretation by technical legal bureaucrats.
German law
This type of law uses a long-established body of customary law.
Scandinavian (Nordic) law
What are two issues in private international law?
1) comity - voluntary recognition of the laws and judicial decisions of another jurisdiction
2) jurisdiction
What are the three types of jurisdiction a court must have?
1) in personam (over person or business)
2) in res (subject matter)
3) jurisdiction to render a judgment on the case
What are the 5 purposes of the UN?
1) maintain intl peace and security
2) develop friendly relations among nations
3) cooperate in solving intl problems
4) promote respect for human rights and freedoms
5) be a center for harmonizing the activities of nations in attaining UN goals.
What are the 3 primary WTO agreements?
What does GATT deal with?
Reducing tariff and nontariff trade barriers, state trading, product standards, subsidies, actions against dumping.
What are the purposes of ASEAN?
1) accelerate growth, development, and social progress in the region
2) promote regional peace and stability through respect for justice and the law.
Does APEC require treaty obligations of their members?
How are APECs decisions reached? Are decisions binding?
By consensus, purely voluntary.
What does the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act do?
- prohibits payments to foreign officials to obtain or to keep business and
- requires firms that list their securities in the US to comply with certain accounting practices.
This method of taxation taxes all firms only on the economic activity that occurs within the country’s geographic borders, regardless of the location of the firm’s incorporation or
territorial tax systems
This taxation system taxes domestically incorporated firms on their total earnings from both domestic and international activities. Foreign firms are taxed on their economic activity within the country’s geographic borders.
worldwide tax systems
These create a ‘tax-neutral’ setting for international trade by providing tax rebates on exported goods and imposing taxes on imported goods.
Border Tax Adjustments (BTA)
This lets a firm reduce its overall tax liability by moving earnings from a high-tax jurisdiction to a low-tax jurisdiction, usually by letting debt accumulate within the high-tax jurisdiction.
earnings stripping
This occurs when a firm established in a low-tax country buys the shares and/or assets of a domestic corporation, which lets the domestic company become a foreign-based company.
What are five nonlegal factors that affect international firms?
- language barriers
- cultural differences
- time perceptions
- norms about personal space
- types of government